Next Chapter: Death and Dying (Fiction and Nonfiction) | The Seattle Public Library
  • The In-between

    The In-between

    Vlahos, Hadley

    Nonfiction. Passionate advocate for end-of-life care and TikTok star Nurse Hadley shares moving stories of joy, wisdom, and redemption from her patients' final moments, offering powerful lessons on facing death, recovering from loss, and how to live your life in this deeply personal memoir. (Publisher description)

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

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  • You Died

    You Died

    Nonfiction. The editors tackle a huge and daunting subject with aplomb, resulting in a volume that embraces death as a concept with due complexity. (Publishers Weekly)

    Format: Graphic Novel

    Availability: Available

    View You Died
  • The Order of the Good Death

    The Order of the Good Death

    It can feel like everything—laws, bureaucracy, cultural pressure, fear, lack of resources—is stacked against achieving a death and a funeral that are affordable, purposeful, and in line with your values. How do we even begin to tackle the good death when we live in a culture that hides our dead behind closed doors and insists that speaking openly about death makes you morbid? (from the website)

    View The Order of the Good Death