Queer Books for Teens | The Seattle Public Library
  • The Bone Spindle

    The Bone Spindle

    Vedder, Leslie

    In this gender swapped version of Sleeping Beauty, Briar Rose is a prince fast asleep as he awaits true love’s first kiss. After getting pricked by the bone spindle, Fi and Shane have to band together to lift the curse from the prince’s kingdom. MS

    Format: Book

    Availability: All copies in use

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  • Fifteen Hundred Miles From the Sun

    Fifteen Hundred Miles From the Sun

    Garza Villa, Jonny

    Julián has a plan: stay in the closet until he can get out of Texas and away from his abusive father. But when he accidentally comes out in a viral tweet and a cute boy from LA slides into his DMs, all plans go out the window.

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View Fifteen Hundred Miles From the Sun