Biography/Memoir | The Seattle Public Library
  • Dorothy Day

    Dorothy Day

    Loughery, John

    The life of a radical pacifist is seen in the context of a public life of arrests, anarchist identity, Catholic activism, protests against the arms race and capitalism, while being at the forefront of American dissent.

    Format: Downloadable Audiobook

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  • In the Dream House

    In the Dream House

    Machado, Carmen Maria

    A uniquely structured memoir scrutinizes an abusive relationship at the intersection of her personal experience and societal assumptions of queer culture in a revealingly written exploration of sexuality and psychological power.

    Format: eBook

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  • His Truth Is Marching on

    His Truth Is Marching on

    Meacham, Jon

    Based on decades of interviews with Lewis, a portrait emerges of a civil rights activist devoting his life to justice and equity for over half a century.

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

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  • The Dragons, the Giant, the Women

    The Dragons, the Giant, the Women

    Moore, Wayétu

    Fleeing as a child with her family from an African war, a memoir sees dislocation, assimilation, and adulthood through the lenses of folktales, American racism, and strength of family that ultimately demonstrates love and the persistence of hope.

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

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  • Olive the Lionheart

    Olive the Lionheart

    Ricca, Brad

    Drawing on secret diaries and letters, a British socialite who in 1910 heroically searches Africa for her missing fiancé reveals the political and sociocultural tensions of an era through a journey of thousands of adventuresome miles.

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

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  • In Pursuit of Disobedient Women

    In Pursuit of Disobedient Women

    Searcey, Dionne

    A journalist moves from New York to Central Africa, covering stories about the Boko Haram kidnappers among others, while juggling the effects of the move on her family and career.

    Format: eBook

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  • Inheritance


    Shapiro, Dani

    When an astounding family secret is revealed by a genealogy test, self-identity is explored in terms of the ethics of DNA testing and fertility treatments, as well as the meaning of paternity and love.

    Format: Downloadable Audiobook

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  • Recollections of My Nonexistence

    Recollections of My Nonexistence

    Solnit, Rebecca

    An influential writer and feminist describes her development and struggles while exploring the societal factors that were the catalysts of her personal and far-reaching publishing successes.

    Format: Downloadable Audiobook

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  • Memorial Drive

    Memorial Drive

    Trethewey, Natasha D.

    Movingly told, when her estranged stepfather murders her mother, a mixed-race daughter must rise above the trauma and find healing, while developing as a future U.S. Poet Laureate.

    Format: eBook

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  • Chaucer


    Turner, Marion

    Tracing an eventful life across medieval Europe recreates a time in which a merchant’s son can rise to the role of a diplomat and courtier, and become one of the greatest figures of literature, the poet of The Canterbury Tales.

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

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