These nonfiction history books – covering a wide variety of topics and time periods – are well-researched and page-turning true stories published in the last few years. This list was created by a Librarian at The Seattle Public Library. Annotations from NoveList, unless otherwise attributed. (December 2024)
The Rise and Fall of the Second American Republic
From 1860, when the election of Abraham Lincoln triggered the secession of the Deep South states and ending in 1920 when women were granted the right to vote, an acclaimed historian narrates the major episodes of the era and introduces the key individuals who helped remake American democracy, or whose actions spelled its doom.
Format: Book
Availability: All copies in use
View The Rise and Fall of the Second American RepublicThe Book-makers
Through profiles of 18 individuals who defined Western culture's most important object, this 500-year-old history of printed books celebrates those who first experimented in the art of printing, design and binding, changing the course of history.
Format: Book
Availability: All copies in use
View The Book-makersTiná7 Cht Ti Temíxw
A powerful introduction to the vast history of the Sk1wx1wú7mesh people. Drawing on stories from our Elders and in-depth research, we trace our history and culture from ancient times to the present day, offering a launching point for discovering more about the places, people, and stories found here.
Format: Book
Availability: All copies in use
View Tiná7 Cht Ti TemíxwThe Race to the Future
The rise of the automobile as told through its Rubicon moment—a sensational, high-risk race across two continents on the verge of revolution.
Format: Book
Availability: Available
View The Race to the FutureAmerican Civil Wars
A two-time Pulitzer Prize winner provides a masterful historical account of the twenty-year period from 1850-1873 during which the United States, Mexico and Canada underwent significant transformations and evolved into the nations we know today.
Format: Book
Availability: Available
View American Civil WarsThe Forging of A Black Community
With a new foreword and afterword, this second edition of The Forging of a Black Community is essential to understanding the history and present of the largest black community in the Pacific Northwest. (Publisher’s description)
Format: Book
Availability: Available
View The Forging of A Black CommunityTrans Hirstory in 99 Objects
Spanning over four centuries, this volume brings together a wide-ranging selection of artworks and artifacts that highlight the under-recognized histories of trans and gender-nonconforming communities. (Publisher’s description)
Format: Book
Availability: All copies in use
View Trans Hirstory in 99 ObjectsThe Horse
This riveting narrative of the horse's enduring reign across human history--and our everyday lives-- shows how this noble animal revolutionized the way we hunted, traded, traveled, farmed, fought, worshipped and interacted, from the thundering cavalry charges of Alexander the Great to the Great Manure Crisis of 1894 and beyond.
Format: Book
Availability: Available
View The HorseMaster Slave Husband Wife
The remarkable true story of Ellen and William Craft, who escaped slavery through daring, determination, and disguise, with Ellen passing as a wealthy, disabled White man and William posing as "his" slave.
Format: Book
Availability: Available
View Master Slave Husband WifeAge of Revolutions
Fareed Zakaria masterfully investigates the eras and movements that have shaken norms while shaping the modern world.
Format: Book
Availability: Available
View Age of Revolutions