Century 21 Digital Collection | The Seattle Public Library
  • Seattle Mail and Herald, v. 9, no. 14, Feb. 24, 1906

    Seattle Mail and Herald, v. 9, no. 14, Feb. 24, 1906

    Page 3 article discusses clearing of timber land for farming in Washington. Page 8 includes information on the Royal Loggers of the Pacific Coast along with a photograph.

    Identifier: spl_mh_198239_1906_09_14

    Date: 1906-02-24

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  • Jack Large takes a phone call, ca. 1967

    Jack Large takes a phone call, ca. 1967

    Large, Jack

    Jack Large takes a call


    Date: 1967?

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  • Ford Motor Co. Pavilion at Denny & Broad Str. View N.E.

    Ford Motor Co. Pavilion at Denny & Broad Str. View N.E.

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    Ford Motor Company Pavilion, Century 21 Exposition (Seattle Worlds Fair). "Geodesic dome which exhibitor moves about country is surrounded by projecting glued laminated columns and set on interlocking terraces." (An Architect's Guidebook to the Seattle Worlds Fair. Seattle, Pacific Builder and Engineer, April 1962, p. 38).

    Identifier: spl_wl_exp_00477

    Date: 1962-04-21

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  • Fashion Pavilion: Medal of Honor exhibit

    Fashion Pavilion: Medal of Honor exhibit

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    Fashion Pavilion, Century 21 Exposition (Seattle Worlds Fair). "This pavilion -- through (1) a fashion show area and (2) an exhibit area -- tries to show why Americans are often called the best dressed people in the world. The fashion show, as well as the 4,600-gallon Revlon, Inc. fountain of perfume, changes each month with the advancing season. Vogue Magazine sponsors the show." (Official press book : Seattle World's Fair 1962. Seattle: Century 21 Exposition, p. 45.)

    Identifier: spl_wl_exp_00402

    Date: 1962-09

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  • Fashion Pavilion: Medal of Honor exhibit

    Fashion Pavilion: Medal of Honor exhibit

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    Fashion Pavilion, Century 21 Exposition (Seattle Worlds Fair). "This pavilion -- through (1) a fashion show area and (2) an exhibit area -- tries to show why Americans are often called the best dressed people in the world. The fashion show, as well as the 4,600-gallon Revlon, Inc. fountain of perfume, changes each month with the advancing season. Vogue Magazine sponsors the show." (Official press book : Seattle World's Fair 1962. Seattle: Century 21 Exposition, p. 45.)

    Identifier: spl_wl_exp_00404

    Date: 1962-09

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  • Municipal News, v. 44, no. 18, May 1, 1954

    Municipal News, v. 44, no. 18, May 1, 1954

    Identifier: spl_mn_818362_44_18

    Date: 1954-05-01

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  • 2 houses in triangle boundet [i.e. bounded] by John Str. - Broad & 100 block of Nob Hill Ave. No.

    2 houses in triangle boundet [i.e. bounded] by John Str. - Broad & 100 block of Nob Hill Ave. No.

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    Future site of the Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World’s Fair). In 1956, the City of Seattle’s Civic Center Advisory Committee selected land surrounding the existing Civic Auditorium at the foot of Queen Anne Hill for the site of the Century 21 Exposition and a future Civic Center for the city. In 1957, the city acquired the property through condemnation. With a few exceptions, including the Civic Auditorium (which was transformed into the Opera House) and the National Guard Armory (which became the Food Circus), most existing buildings were demolished. This set of photos documents the site before demolition began.

    Identifier: spl_wl_sec_00264

    Date: 1957-10

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  • Log-o-rama stadium show pole climbing competition

    Log-o-rama stadium show pole climbing competition

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    International Logging Championship held at the Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World's Fair)."Climaxing Century 21, the great Pacific Northwest dream-come-true, is the International Logging Championship which epitomizes the region's major economy. No event is more proper as the C-21 count-down ticks away. At stake for the loggers, is the coveted title of fact and legend: 'Bull of the Woods' the most feared and respected logger of the camp." (“Bull of the Woods” Battle. Tacoma: Academy of Communicative Arts & Sciences, 1962, http://cdm15015.contentdm.oclc.org/u?/p15015coll3,2336.) Memorial Stadium was built in 1948 in memory of former Seattle high-school students killed in World War II. Owned by the Seattle School District, it was leased to the Century 21 Exposition for the Seattle World’s Fair. The Fair’s opening ceremonies and many large events were held there.

    Identifier: spl_wl_exp_00914

    Date: 1962-10-13

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  • Seattle Municipal News, v. 39, no. 49, Dec. 31, 1949

    Seattle Municipal News, v. 39, no. 49, Dec. 31, 1949

    Identifier: spl_mn_198039_39_49

    Date: 1949-12-31

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  • View east from Wash. State Power exhibit; Monorail in center background

    View east from Wash. State Power exhibit; Monorail in center background

    Lenggenhager, Werner W., 1899-1988

    View of Century 21 Exposition (Seattle World's Fair).

    Identifier: spl_wl_exp_01068

    Date: 1962-04-01

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