Preview up to 100 items from this collection below. The Space Needle’s construction during the early 1960s was an epic feat of architecture and design. George Gulacsik chronicled the project with over 2000 photos. Browse through our timeline to see the Needle’s construction milestones.
Workers rigging floats on Space Needle leg and view west, ca. September 12, 1961
Identifier: spl_gg_69670009
Date: 1961-09-12
View this itemWorkers waiting outside Space Needle elevator, ca. December 4-7, 1961
Identifier: spl_gg_73680018
Date: 1961-12-04
View this itemWorker painting Space Needle roof Galaxy Gold, ca. late January 1962
Identifier: spl_gg_052
Date: 1962-01
View this itemHotel Perry, 1909
Located at Madison Street and Boren Avenue, the Perry Hotel, also known as the Perry Apartments, was built in 1907. In 1916, the building was renovated to become the Columbus Sanitarium and renamed once again to Cabrini Hospital in the 1960s. The building was demolished in 1996. Transcribed from postcard: "Hotel Perry, Madison Street at Boren Avenue Seattle, European Plan, Rooms with Bath $2.00 per Day, B.H. Brobst Manager, 1909"
Identifier: spl_pc_00807
Date: 1909
View this itemView up to Space Needle ring girder, ca. November 8, 1961
Identifier: spl_gg_70060008
Date: 1961-11-08
View this item"Why an Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition?," The World To-Day, June 1908
An article describing the purpose and scope of the A.Y.P.E. The author expresses favorable views on the fair and notes that based on the amount of exposition stock purchased by Seattle citizens, the rest of the city is in favor of the fair as well. World To-day 14.6 (June 1908): 640-45, illustrated.
Identifier: spl_ayp_2398447_jun1908
Date: 1908-06
View this itemWorker on Space Needle float and view east, ca. October 16, 1961
Identifier: spl_gg_69730005
Date: 1961-10-16
View this itemWorkers driving drift pin into place on third Space Needle leg, ca. July 31, 1961
Identifier: spl_gg_68840020
Date: 1961-07-31
View this itemSpace Needle construction with Howard S. Wright sign, ca. July 1961
Identifier: spl_gg_68830031
Date: 1961-07
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