Lu Jacobson Collection of Latimer and Denny Family Material | The Seattle Public Library
  • Wedding Invitation of Orion O. Denny and Narcissa Latimer, March 31, 1889

    Wedding Invitation of Orion O. Denny and Narcissa Latimer, March 31, 1889

    Denny, Narcissa Latimer, 1851-1900; Denny, Orion O., 1853-1916

    Narcissa Latimer married Orion Denny on March 31, 1889. Orion was the son of Arthur and Mary Denny and first white male born in Seattle. He served as president of the Denny Clay Company.

    Identifier: spl_lj_071

    Date: 1889-03-31

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  • Letter from Arthur Goodwin to Mrs. Alywin regarding her request for a raise for her work at the the post office, April 7, 1927

    Letter from Arthur Goodwin to Mrs. Alywin regarding her request for a raise for her work at the the post office, April 7, 1927

    Goodwin, Arthur

    Letter responding to Mrs. Aylwin's request for a raise to account for the increased business at the Pike Place Market post office. Goodwin replies that he cannot justify a raise without seeing further evidence of the heavier traffic that Mrs. Aylwin references.

    Identifier: spl_sh_00066

    Date: 1927-04-07

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  • Letter from Arthur Goodwin to Councilman E.L. Blaine regarding the lighting bill for the new stalls at Pike Place Market, December 31, 1927

    Letter from Arthur Goodwin to Councilman E.L. Blaine regarding the lighting bill for the new stalls at Pike Place Market, December 31, 1927

    Goodwin, Arthur

    Letter from Arthur Goodwin to Councilman E.L. Blaine raising concern over the fact that the City Lighting Department had cut off power to 50 newly built Pike Place Market stalls which had been turned over to the city. Goodwin asks that Blaine see that the bill is paid so that the stalls are not left in darkness.

    Identifier: spl_sh_00073

    Date: 1927-12-31

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  • Letter to Mr. Van Nostrand regarding compliance with the fire ordinance, June 11, 1928

    Letter to Mr. Van Nostrand regarding compliance with the fire ordinance, June 11, 1928

    Taylor, Walter R.

    Letter informing Mr. Van Nostrand he is in violation of the fire ordinance due to barrels and boxes blocking the aisles within the Economy Building. The letter states 'We kindly ask that you not place material of any nature in the aisles from now on; the aisles will be kept open so the patrons of the market can enter and leave the building with ease in case of emergency.'

    Identifier: spl_sh_00058

    Date: 1928-06-11

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  • Unknown man in Minneapolis, Minnesota, ca. 1880

    Unknown man in Minneapolis, Minnesota, ca. 1880

    Photograph taken in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

    Identifier: spl_lj_035

    Date: 1880?

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  • Letter from Arthur Goodwin to L.R. Bowen regarding his article on the St. Louis market, November 3, 1927

    Letter from Arthur Goodwin to L.R. Bowen regarding his article on the St. Louis market, November 3, 1927

    Goodwin, Arthur

    Letter from Arthur Goodwin to L.R. Bowen, Chief Engineer of Bridges and Buildings in St. Louis, expressing admiration for Bowen's work on the St. Louis Municipal Retail Market. Goodwin requests permission to use Bowen's article on the St. Louis Market is his book 'Markets: Public and Private, Their Establishment, Operation and Management.'

    Identifier: spl_sh_00074

    Date: 1927-11-04

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  • Letter from Arthur Goodwin to William Crowley regarding the Tacoma Public Market, February 19, 1927

    Letter from Arthur Goodwin to William Crowley regarding the Tacoma Public Market, February 19, 1927

    Goodwin, Arthur

    Letter from Arthur Goodwin to William Crowley thanking him for his interest in his newly constructed Tacoma Public Market. Goodwin invites Crowley to the opening of the market and expresses his hopes that his own book on public markets will soon be published.

    Identifier: spl_sh_00046

    Date: 1927-02-19

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  • Letter from Louis J. Becker to Arthur Goodwin responding to his notice to vacate premises, December 14, 1927

    Letter from Louis J. Becker to Arthur Goodwin responding to his notice to vacate premises, December 14, 1927

    Becker, Louis J.

    Letter from Becker acknowleding Goodwin's notice to vacate his space in the Economy Market at the end of the month. Becker asks for compensation for the investments he had recently put into the space, not knowing he would need to find a new location.

    Identifier: spl_sh_00077

    Date: 1927-12-14

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  • Charlie Reynolds, ca. 1880

    Charlie Reynolds, ca. 1880

    Ordemann, T.

    Charles Reynolds was the husband of Emma Chesney Latimer Reynolds, daughter of Alexander and Sarah Latimer and sister to Narcissa Latimer. Charles and Emma married in 1886 in Minnesota. The photograph was taken by T. Ordemann in Menomonie, Wisconsin. The 1890 Seattle City Directory lists Charles as a boarder at 1108 Seneca St., the home of Narcissa and Orion Denny.

    Identifier: spl_lj_049

    Date: 1880?

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  • Unknown woman in Abington, Illinois, ca. 1880

    Unknown woman in Abington, Illinois, ca. 1880

    Smith, C.H.

    Photograph taken by C.H. Smith in Abingdon, Illinois.

    Identifier: spl_lj_023

    Date: 1880?

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