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Pine St. west from 4th Ave., December 22, 1965
Photograph shows views of the Fahey-Brockman Clothing store and the Bon Marche building with its holiday star lit.
Identifier: spl_dor_00036
Date: 1965-12-22
View this itemPlat of West Seattle Land and Improvement Company's Platted Lands, 1890
Map showing land parcels in West Seattle.
Identifier: spl_maps_2449573
Date: 1890
View this itemA Bird's eye view of the University of Washington campus and sundry doings thereon, 1932
Map showing buildings on the University of Washington campus including fraternities.
Identifier: spl_maps_2353878
Date: 1932
View this itemMannequin parts in loading dock, undated
Other items on loading dock include a white sink and old gas pump.
Identifier: spl_dor_00028
View this itemWoman's mask with labret
Helmi Juvonen was born in Butte, Montana on January 17, 1903. She worked in many media including printmaking, painting and paper-craft. She attended Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle where she met artist Mark Tobey with whom she was famously obsessed. Although she was diagnosed as a manic-depressive in 1930, she gained wide appreciation in the Northwest for her linocut prints depicting Northwest Indian people and tribal ceremonies. She worked with a number of artists on the Public Works of Art Project including Fay Chong and Morris Graves. Over the years, her mental health deteriorated and in 1960 she was declared a ward of the state and was committed to Oakhurst Convalescent Center. She was much beloved and had many friends and benefactors (including Wes Wehr) and was able to have exhibitions despite the confinement. She died in 1985.
Identifier: spl_art_J989Wo
Date: 1958?
View this itemMunicipal Plans Commission of the City of Seattle map showing Harbor Island and Duwamish Waterway Districts, 1911
Map showing proposed city improvements under the Plan of Seattle, commonly known as the Bogue Plan. Designed by Virgil Bogue, Seattle's municipal plans director, the Bogue Plan proposed a series of improvements aimed at beautifying the city and making it making it more cohesive after years of rapid growth and industrialization. The plan worked in tandem with the Olmsted Brothers new system of parks, begun in 1903, and proposed new government buildings, an improved city center and an interurban road connecting the city together. The plan was rejected by voters in 1912.
Identifier: spl_maps_2465533_7
Date: 1911
View this itemLeschi marina, August 1996
Boats docked at Leschi South Moorage overlooked by a small lawn that is part of Leschi Park.
Identifier: spl_dor_00012
Date: 1996-08
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