Preview up to 100 items from this collection below. This collection contains of hundreds of menus collected over several decades, each revealing the food tastes of Seattle diners and prices paid for fine and casual dining around town.
Municipal News v. 55, no. 5, Mar. 8, 1965
Article on page 37 discusses areas of the city where landfills were used to fill in formerly unusable land.
Identifier: spl_mn_818362_55_05
Date: 1965-03-08
View this itemCutters Bay House Late-Night Menu
Opened in 1983 by the company, Restaurants Unlimited, Cutters Bayhouse was one of Seattle's hottest spots to eat in the 1980's. The restaurant was reviewed by John Hinterberger on September 2, 1983 in The Seattle Times. In 2003, it underwent cosmetic and menu changes to combat decreasing revenues. As of 2012, it was called Cutters Crabhouse and was still open in the same location.
Identifier: spl_menu_00204
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