Preview up to 100 items from this collection below. This collection contains of hundreds of menus collected over several decades, each revealing the food tastes of Seattle diners and prices paid for fine and casual dining around town.
City Loan Pavillon Menu
Owned and operated by Julia and Francois Kissel from 1975 to 1987.The Kissels also owned the Brasserie Pittsbourg, which they merged with the City Loan Pavillon in 1985. It was eventually renamed Brasserie Pavillon. They also opened Maximillien's in Pike Place Market. Brasserie Pavillon was sold in 1987, but as of 2012, Maximillien's was still in operation.
Identifier: spl_menu_00174
View this itemPacific Builder and Engineer, v. 4, no. 20, May. 19, 1906
Identifier: spl_pbe_3022043_1906_04_20
Date: 1906-05-19
View this itemCampbell's Menu
The restaurant at Campbell's, "Lake Chelan's Waterfront Resort," was founded in 1901.
Identifier: spl_menu_00126
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