SELLING KABUL | The Seattle Public Library
  • The Longest War

    The Longest War

    “If you’re looking for some old-fashioned nonpartisan outrage, where anger or sadness isn’t dependent on political leanings or party affiliation, you can find it in ‘The Longest War,’ the sobering Afghanistan documentary by Greg Barker…The film is a dissection of U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan, the longest running war in U.S. history and a morass with enough blame to go around to leaders of all affiliations.” —Steve Pond, The Wrap

    Format: DVD

    Availability: Available

    View The Longest War
  • The American War in Afghanistan

    The American War in Afghanistan

    Malkasian, Carter

    In this “…rigorous, blow-by-blow chronicle of the U.S. war in Afghanistan…” Malkasian synthesizes “…a vast array of literature from both sides of the conflict…” offering “…a refreshingly nuanced and well-informed perspective.” —Publisher’s Weekly

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View The American War in Afghanistan
  • Dancing in the Mosque

    Dancing in the Mosque

    Qādirī, Ḥumayrā

    "Dancing in the Mosque is the story of Qaderi and the women of Afghanistan, penned as a love letter to the son that was taken from her after her husband divorced her." -- Library Journal

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View Dancing in the Mosque
  • Syngué sabour, pierre de patience

    Syngué sabour, pierre de patience

    Based on the novel of the same name and directed by its author, this 2012 film portrays the inner life of a young Afghan woman caring for her older husband, who is in an unresponsive state.

    Format: DVD

    Availability: Available

    View Syngué sabour, pierre de patience
  • Taliban Takeover

    Taliban Takeover

    From PBS’ Frontline, correspondent Najibullah Quraishi looks at Afghanistan as the Taliban retake control in 2021.

    Format: Streaming Video

    View Taliban Takeover
  • The Afghanistan Papers

    The Afghanistan Papers

    Whitlock, Craig

    In what Publishers Weekly describes as a “searing chronicle”, Washington Post investigative journalist Craig Whitlock “…paints a devastating portrait of how public messaging about the conflict consistently belied the reality on the ground…this is a heartbreaking look at how America’s leaders ‘chose to bury their mistakes and let the war drift.’”

    Format: Book

    Availability: Available

    View The Afghanistan Papers
  • Seattle Rep's SELLING KABUL website

    Seattle Rep's SELLING KABUL website

    Taroon once served as an interpreter for the U.S. military in Afghanistan. After the Americans have withdrawn, their promises of protection and safety are no longer there. He now spends his days in hiding from growing presence of the Taliban as he anxiously awaits news from the hospital on the eve of his first child’s birth. What are the consequences of taking sides during wartime?

    View Seattle Rep's SELLING KABUL website