Books Unbanned | The Seattle Public Library

Read What You Like

Read What You Like graphic

Our entire collection of thousands of e-books and audiobooks is available to check out and read or listen to. Read on your computer or Kindle, or use the Libby app to get books on your phone or tablet.

Discover Yourself

Discover Yourself graphic

Many banned or challenged books are by or about Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), or LGBTQ+ people and explore their experiences, stories, histories and movements. Reading these books can help you understand yourself and connect to others.

Form Your Own Opinions & Get Involved

Form Your Own Opinions graphic

Started by Brooklyn Public Library, Books Unbanned is an initiative in response to an increasingly coordinated and effective effort to remove books tackling a wide range of topics from library shelves. We are the second library to join this initiative and make our collection available to teens and young adults facing book bans, censorship and political challenges in their local school and public libraries. Explore below to learn more about Books Unbanned, intellectual freedom and how you can fight for the rights of teens nationwide to read what they like, discover themselves and form their own opinions.

Read About Intellectual Freedom at the Library  Explore Brooklyn Books Unbanned  Read the ALA Freedom to Read Statement  Report a Ban or Challenge  Spread the word! Download Outreach Materials Books Unbanned Teen Testimonials

Get a Books Unbanned Card

Get a Card graphic

Fill out an application to get access to our e-book and audiobook collection. You can check out up to 10 books at a time and put up to five books on hold. Your card will be valid for one year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can get a card?

Anyone ages 13-26 living in the United States can get a card. If you live or work in Seattle, you should apply for a Seattle Public Library card to get access to our collection and resources. Get started with a Seattle Public Library card.

How many books can I check out and have on hold?

You can check out up to 10 books at a time and put up to five books on hold.

How long can I check books out for?

You can borrow books for 21 days, and checkouts expire automatically.

How long will be card be valid?

Your card will be valid for one year, with the possibility of renewal.

Can I access other Library resources?

This card only gives you access to our e-book and audiobook collection.

What is the difference between this card and Brooklyn Public Library’s program?

Our collection has different titles than the Brooklyn Public Library collection, and some titles that are not available in their collection may be available in ours, or vice versa. You are welcome to apply for both cards and access either collection to find the books you need.

I live or work in Seattle. Should I get this card too?

No. If you live or work in Seattle, you should apply for a Seattle Public Library card to get access to our collection and resources. Get started with a Seattle Public Library card.

I already have a Seattle Public Library card, can I get this card also?

No. This card is intended for teens and young adults who do not have a Seattle Public Library card. Get started with a Seattle Public Library card.

Will you tell anyone what books I check out?

No. As part of our commitment to intellectual freedom, we protect your privacy and keep information about you and your use of the Library confidential. Confidentiality extends to all records with identifying information about you, including your requests for materials and borrowing history.

We will not disclose individual patron information except as necessary for the proper operation of the Library, upon your consent or as required by law. View our Confidentiality of Patron Information policy. We do aggregate and analyze collective patron data to understand and help us fulfill community interest.

How is Books Unbanned funded?

SPL’s Books Unbanned card will be funded by private support through The Seattle Public Library Foundation. People interested in supporting Books Unbanned can contribute through the Foundation’s Equity & Access Fund.