Suggest a Title | The Seattle Public Library

Suggest a Title Basics

Patrons can suggest titles for consideration to be added to the Library’s collection. There is a limit of ten title suggestions per month per patron, regardless of format.
If your suggestion is added to the collection, it may take a minimum of three weeks for the title to appear in the catalog after you have submitted your request.
We will place holds for your suggestion when possible, though holds may not be placed immediately after the item is available in the catalog.
The best way to keep track of and place holds on recently added Library materials is to visit the Recent Arrivals/New Titles section of the Library’s catalog.
We are unable to place holds on e-books and e-audiobooks, so please check OverDrive for your suggested title. Digital books are ordered on or after their publication date.

Submit Your Title Suggestion

Complete the form below to suggest a title.


Due to the number of suggestions we receive, we are unable to notify you if the title you suggest is not ordered.

Guidelines for Authors & Publishers

We are happy to consider recently published books and other items for our collection. We receive many inquiries from authors, publishers, and publisher's representatives and have created these guidelines to help you.