Student Research | The Seattle Public Library

Student Research Resources

  • Library card required Academic OneFile Offers a world of academic research at your fingertips, with more than 17,000 scholarly journals, podcasts and transcripts.
  • Library card required Access Video Access Video lets you watch video on demand from any computer or tablet, with no app or software to download. The Access Video collection includes online shows and documentaries from channels like PBS, BBC, History Channel, A&E and more.
  • Library card required America's Historical Newspapers - Early American News Explore early American history to support school assignments, genealogical and local history research, and more. Features more than 1,000 historical newspapers from all 50 states. This database includes early American newspapers previously available in America's Genealogy Bank.
  • Library card required AP Stylebook Online This online version of the official Associated Press Stylebook is searchable, customizable and updated regularly. It offers writing guidelines for spelling, usage, punctuation and style. Includes access to Webster's New World College Dictionary.
  • Library card required AtoZ the World Want to learn about another country? Get in-depth information about 175 countries, including history, culture, customs, food, religion, travel information, maps and much more.
  • Library card required Biography in Context Get in-depth biographical information about the world’s most influential people from all time periods.
  • Library card required Black Life in America The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media, including over 400 current and historical Black publications from the 1700s to today.
  • Library card required Britannica Library The Encyclopedia Britannica online, plus a dictionary, thesaurus, world atlas, the full text of current magazine and journal articles, live feeds from a variety of news sources and much more.
  • Library card required Britannica Library: Children Encyclopedia Britannica for Kids. Offers thousands of articles, images, videos and more to help students from kindergarten through high school learn about the world.
  • Library card required CultureGrams Get an inside look at the daily life, history, culture and customs of the world's people. Includes information on more than 200 countries, every U.S. state and all 13 Canadian provinces and territories.
  • Library card required eLibrary Explore one of the world’s largest general reference collections of magazines and digital content to find the information you need. Designed for students in middle school and beyond.
  • Library card required General OneFile Need to research a topic? Here’s an easy-to-use source for searching magazines, newspapers, journals and audio content.
  • Library card required In Context: College Access multidisciplinary content by searching scholarly journals, newspapers, periodicals, images, and videos.
  • Library card required In Context: Elementary Find research organized for elementary students featuring age-appropriate search tools, and content.
  • Library card required In Context: Global Issues Analyze important global issues with topic overviews, international viewpoints, news, and multimedia content.
  • Library card required In Context: High School Explore thousands of topics across subjects including literature, science, history, and social issues. Designed for high schoolers.
  • Library card required In Context: Middle School Middle School students! Start here to explore the most-studied topics including cultures, government, people, history, and literature.
  • Library card required Informe Académico Una coleccion de revistas hispanicas con textos completos. Abarca negocios, salud, tecnologia, cultura, temas de actualidad y otras materias. Full-text articles from popular Spanish-language magazines.
  • Library card required LGBTQ History & Culture Explore LGBTQ history, culture, health, and political, social and legal issues in the United States and around the world. The searchable database includes approximately 1.5 million pages of information.
  • Library card required Literature Resource Center Updated biographical information, library criticism and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from ancient times to the present.
  • Library card required LitFinder Find literary works and authors throughout history, including thousands of full-text poems, short stories, plays, and author biographies.
  • Library card required New York Times (1980 to present) This ProQuest database offers searchable access to full-text articles from The New York Times.
  • Library card required New York Times Digital If you are on a Library computer or connected to Library Wi-Fi, you can read New York Times articles online for free. Start by creating an account or logging in. You can also get an access code good for 72 hours to read outside the Library. Includes News, Games, Cooking, Wirecutter and The Athletic. After 72 hours, you can log in again using this link with your username and password to get additional access. Also available via NYTimes app.
  • Library card required New York Times Historical Curious about the past? Find full-text and full-image content from The New York Times, including articles, headlines, ads, obituaries and more. Contains full-text and images in PDF format of the New York Times from 1851 to three years before current year.
  • Library card required Opposing Viewpoints in Context Perfect for debate prep or anyone interested in seeing both sides of social issues, this database offers insight and research into today’s hottest topics in science, social studies, current events and language arts.
  • Library card required OverDrive OverDrive has thousands of e-books and audiobooks you can borrow for three weeks and download to most devices.
  • Library card required Oxford English Dictionary Explore the history and meaning of English words. Includes more than 600,000 words dating back over a thousand years.
  • Library card required ProQuest Doing a research project for school or work? Start with this vast archive of more than 90,000 reference and information resources that spans centuries.
  • Library card required ProQuest Consumer Health For general health questions or in-depth research, here’s an easy-to-use database of more than 500 trustworthy medical journals and popular health magazines covering medicine, nutrition, lifestyle and more.
  • Library card required Seattle Post-Intelligencer (1901 - Current) Search fully digitized editions of The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and download and print full-text articles. Depending on the issue date, different formats of articles may be available. A partial run of the The Seattle Post-Intelligencer (1901-1935) was purchased with a generous grant from The Seattle Public Library Foundation; however, the full run is currently available until further notice.
  • Library card required Seattle Times (1895- Current) Search fully digitized editions of The Seattle Times, and download and print full-text articles. Depending on the issue date, different formats of articles may be available. The Seattle Times Historical Archive (1895-1984) is made possible through a generous grant from The Seattle Public Library Foundation.
  • Library card required SIRS Discoverer This database offers full-text newspaper, magazine and reference content from more than 2,200 high-quality sources on topics such as current events, history, health, language arts, math, science, social studies, and technology.
  • Library card required Statistical Abstract of the United States Provides detailed statistics that describe social and economic conditions in the United States.
  • Library card required Log in with a Library card to get free online tutoring from live tutors for K-12 students, as well as adult learners and job seekers.
  • Library card required U.S. Major Dailies (formerly National Newspapers) Full-text access to five major daily newspapers: Chicago Tribune 1985-current; Los Angeles Times 1985-current; New York Times 1980-current; Wall Street Journal Eastern Edition 1984-current; and Washington Post 1987-current.
  • Library card required U.S. West Newsstream (formerly Western Newspapers) Find news and information about Seattle and other Northwest communities in this collection, which includes newspapers from Alaska, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.
  • Library card required WOIS/The Career Information System Find current Washington state salaries, training requirements and educational programs for a wide variety of occupations, plus tools to help you choose a career.