2023 Statistical & Financial Summaries | The Seattle Public Library

2023 Statistical & Financial Summaries

Facilities: Central Library, 26 neighborhood branches and Mobile Services

Staffing: 675 (part- and full-time)


Physical items
Print 4.7 million
Media (CDs, DVDs, audiobooks) 1.2 million
Equipment (laptops, tablets, Wi-Fi hotspots, Kill A Watt power meters) 42,000
Total physical circulation 6 million
Digital items
E-books and e-audiobooks 5.5 million
Streaming and downloadable media 1.9 million
Total digital circulation 7.4 million (17% increase)
Total circulation 13.4 million (8% increase)
Holds placed
Physical holds placed 2.4 million
Digital holds placed 3.1 million (16% increase)
Total holds placed 5.5 million

Collection Size

Central Library collection 1 million
Branch collections 814,000
Total physical collection 1.8 million
Digital collection 995,000
Total collection size 2.8 million

Patron activity

Active patrons in the last 12 months 293,000
New cardholders 75,000
Number of borrowers (of physical materials) 124,000
Number of borrowers (of digital materials) 175,000
Assisted information questions answered 234,000
Classes, events and activities 3,500
Program attendance 103,000
Public computer sessions 341,000

Operating budget 

Personnel $70.2 million
Books and materials $10.7 million
Maintenance, security and utilities $4.4 million
Equipment $1.4 million
Supplies $747,000
Other (City Central costs, software, training and programming support) $6.4 million
Total operating budget $93.9 million

Our operating budget figures include gifts from The Seattle Public Library Foundation, which accounts for 4.7% of the 2023 budget. Note that the amount and conditions of Foundation grants are at the sole discretion of The Seattle Public Library Foundation’s independent Board of Directors