Public Use of Children's Areas Policy | The Seattle Public Library

Public Use of Children's Areas Policy

Children's areas within The Seattle Public Library are special parts of the Library. These areas provide services and house special collections and programs, designed for children. The purpose of these areas is to give children and their caregivers access to special children's materials, programs and services. This policy guides Library staff in regulating access to these areas and informs the public of the intended use of these areas

Policy Statement
Children's areas are available for use by any patron who is accessing the special materials contained in the collection or an all-gender restroom located in the area. They are also intended to be used by children and their caregivers when attending children's programs and utilizing other services provided by the children's area staff. Patrons not included in these categories may be required to leave the children's area and instead use other areas of the Library.

This policy applies to the Central Library and all branch Libraries with specifically designated children’s areas.

Related Laws, Policies and Procedures

Adopted by the Library Board June 18, 2003
Reviewed and wording clarified on June 24, 2015
Reviewed and wording clarified on June 27, 2018