Exhibits Policy | The Seattle Public Library

Exhibits Policy

The Seattle Public Library offers exhibits in the public areas of its facilities. Library exhibits are used to assist patrons in their exploration of educational, cultural, intellectual and civic activities.

Policy Statement
Library exhibits incorporate library materials whenever possible, as a means of informing users of the range of library resources and services. The Library endeavors to offer exhibits of diverse subject matter for children, adults, and families.

The Library reserves the right to arrange exhibits in all library facilities and to make the final decision regarding content and physical presentation of all exhibits and displays. The City Librarian, or his or her designee, is responsible for the implementation and administration of this policy.

This policy applies to all exhibits created and/or offered by Library staff, as found in the Central Library and all library branches.

Reviewed and wording clarified June 24, 2015. Supersedes Exhibit and Display Policy adopted Nov. 22, 1995 and revised Jan. 22, 2002.

Date Adopted: Jan. 22, 2002
Wording Clarification: June 24, 2015
Supersedes Policy: Exhibit and Display adopted Nov. 22, 1995 and revised Jan. 22, 2002