Materials Donation Policy | The Seattle Public Library

Materials Donation Policy

The Seattle Public Library welcomes donations of books and other materials. The Library also accepts monetary contributions allocated for the purchase of Library materials. The Library reserves the right to determine the disposition of all gifts received.

Policy Statement
All donated materials accepted for addition to the Library's collection become the property of the Library and, in its sole discretion, the Library will determine the most appropriate location for these materials.

Donated materials not utilized in the Library's collection will be turned over to one or more third parties for processing and resale. All proceeds from the sales are paid directly to the Library to support the Library's mission and programs, and to otherwise enhance the Library's collection.

This policy applies to books and other materials donated to the Library, as well as monetary contributions allocated for the purchase of Library materials.

Related Laws, Policies and Procedures
Administrative Procedure, Donating Materials to the Library.

Current version supersedes Materials Donation approved on September 26, 2000, and revised on April 22, 2015 and June 24, 2015.

Adopted: June 24, 2021

Supersedes Policy:Materials Donation Policy approved June 24, 2015