Rules of Conduct Enforcement | The Seattle Public Library

The Library Board formally delegates to Library management and Security Officers the authority to enforce the Rules of Conduct, including the withdrawal of permission to remain on Library premises and the issuance of exclusion orders. Patrons shall have the right to submit a written request for an administrative review of an exclusion order which is for a period greater than seven days. Patrons shall include in the request any written documentation they seek to have considered in the review process. The exclusion order remains in effect pending administrative reviews.

If a patron requests a timely administrative review, the City Librarian shall review the exclusion order and provide the patron with a decision in writing. The City Librarian is authorized to develop procedures for the implementation of this policy including appropriate timelines for filing requests for administrative and Library Board reviews.

Date Adopted:January 28, 2010
Supersedes Policy; Rules of Conduct Policy adopted May 26, 1994; revised April 23, 2002; June 1, 2006; June 1, 2009