OverDrive & Libby | The Seattle Public Library

About OverDrive

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E-books and E-audiobooks

  • Log in with your Library card, then create an OverDrive account to borrow e-books and audiobooks
  • Download the Libby app for iOS, Android and Windows to borrow, read and listen to digital books
  • You can also read or listen to books on eReaders (including Kindle and Kobo), most desktop or laptop computers, and other devices
  • Borrow books for 21 days
  • Checkouts expire automatically

Libby - the OverDrive App

Libby logo

Download OverDrive's Libby app for iOS or Android to check out e-books and e-audiobooks and sync your reading across multiple devices. With Libby, you can also download e-books for offline access, play e-audiobooks from your device in your car, and send books to your Kindle.

Sora K-12 Reading App

Sora App logo

Seattle Public Schools students can use the Sora app to check out e-books and audiobooks from the Library's digital collection and the Seattle Public Schools' library using a student login. With Sora, students can read e-books, stream audiobooks, create and export notes and highlights, and track their reading progress.

Explore OverDrive's Collections

Tips for E-Books

How do I return items early so others can use them?

E-books are returned automatically after 21 days. If you are done with an e-book or audiobook, you may return it earlier.

  • Visit spl.overdrive.com, and log in with your library card number & PIN.
  • Once logged in, on the top right-hand-side of the page, go to My Account, and select Loans from the drop down menu.
  • Find the material you wish to return, and at the bottom of the item’s detail there will be a Return option.

Note: You can also manage returns through the Libby app.

How do I renew items?

E-books are returned automatically after 21 days. If you need more time to finish an e-book or audiobook, you may renew your checkout if no one else is waiting.

  • Visit spl.overdrive.com, and log in with your library card number & PIN.
  • Once logged in, on the top right-hand-side of the page, go to My Account, and select Loans from the drop down menu.
  • Find the material you wish to renew, and at the bottom of the item’s detail there will be either be a Renew option, or if the material has holds on it, a Request Again option.

Note: These options will appear within three days of the item’s current expiration date. You can also renew items through the Libby app.

How do I suspend my holds?

Not ready to read an e-book about to become available?

  • Visit spl.overdrive.com, and log in with your library card number & PIN.
  • Once logged in, on the top right-hand-side of the page, go to My Account, and select Holds from the drop down menu.
  • Find the hold you wish to suspend, and at the bottom of the item’s detail there will be a Suspend Hold option.
  • Once you select Suspend Hold, a drop down menu will give you options for how many days you would like to suspend your hold, and then select Suspend.

Note: You can also suspend holds through the Libby app.

How do I track my borrowing history for e-books and audiobooks?

  • Visit spl.overdrive.com, and log in with your Library card number & PIN.
  • Once logged in, on the top right-hand-side of the page, go to My Account, and select Settings from the drop down menu.
  • Check the box labeled History.


Can I try a sample of an e-book before borrowing it?

Yes. Click the three dots next to the title to open a detail page and browse a sample.

How can I find an e-book to start reading now?

We offer a selection of always-available titles that can be accessed by unlimited users at the same time. You can also browse OverDrive’s lists of titles available now:

If you have a question or need help, get help from OverDrive, Ask Us or call 206-386-4636.