Central Library Parking | The Seattle Public Library

Paid parking at the Central Library

Bicycles: The Central Library has outdoor bike racks at the Fifth Avenue entry, the Fourth Avenue entry and at the employee entry on Spring Street. There are also covered bike racks in the parking garage reached from Spring Street.

Motor vehicles: The Central Library has a 143-stall underground parking garage with an entrance on Spring Street between Fourth and Fifth avenues. The garage is operated by ABM Parking Services. Rates are listed below.  You can call the ABM Area Manager directly at 425-766-4236 or ABM Puget Sound Plaza at 206-218-5654. Please email SCLParking@abm.com if you would like information on monthly parking permits or have other questions.

NOTE: Some parts of the garage are inaccessible to large vans

  • Van space - 96 inches wide, 96-inch-wide adjacent aisle, 8-foot clearance
  • Entrance clearance - 9 feet
  • Height limit in garage - 6 feet, 6 inches

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: The EV stations are unavailable until further notice and the Library is reviewing options. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

ADA parking: The Central Library has five spaces, including one van space, designated for Washington State Disabled Parking Permit holders. Van space is 96 inches wide with a 96-inch-wide adjacent aisle and 8-foot clearance.

Parking Rates

0 - 20 minutes FREE
20 - 40 minutes $4
40 - 60 minutes $8
1 - 2 hours $12
2 - 3 hours $16
3 - 4 hours $22
4 - 5 hours $27
5 - 24 hours $32
after 5 p.m. $7
Weekends $8
Motorcycle $6

Parking Garage Hours

Garage open hours include times when the Central Library is closed. 

Garage hours:

  • Monday through Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday: 8:45 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Nearby Parking

There are parking garages (rates vary) in buildings close to the Central Library, including:

  • Seattle Olympic Garage (enter on Fifth Avenue and Seneca Street)
  • Hotel Vintage Park (enter at Fifth Avenue between Seneca and Spring streets)
  • Union Bank of California Center Parking Garage (enter on Madison Street between Fifth and Fourth avenues)
  • 1001 Fourth Avenue Plaza Parking Garage (enter on Madison Street, between Fourth and Third avenues)