International District Chinatown Branch Named Spaces | The Seattle Public Library

Maria Lee Koh Children's Area

Maria Lee Koh, a longtime Seattle resident, is an ardent believer in the power of education, the written word and the public library system. She emigrated from Shanghai, China, as a college student. One of Mrs. Koh's favorite Chinese sayings was impressed upon her by her mother, a self-taught and voracious reader: "There are golden castles inside books." To honor her mother, Mrs. Koh is proud to support the Library and promote the wisdom of this saying. She wants her family of children and grandchildren, readers of all ages and from all parts of society, and new immigrants and their American-born offspring and descendants, to experience the excitement of finding many golden castles among these stacks.

Atsuhiko & Ina G. Tateuchi Reading Area

The Atsuhiko & Ina Goodwin Tateuchi Foundation seeks to promote and improve international understanding, knowledge and the quality of relations between Japan and the United States. It particularly seeks to foster educational opportunities for students involved in contemporary Japanese studies and artistic and cultural exchanges between the two countries. Mrs. Tateuchi is a former member of The Seattle Public Library Foundation's board.  

HSBC Study Room

HSBC-North America is one of the top 10 financial services companies in the United States, bringing with it a rich heritage of partnering and investing in the communities in which they operate. HSBC-North America places a high value on corporate social responsibility and believes that the generosity with which they give back to communities is a central component of its corporate character.