The Holly Park Station opened May 19, 1943 as part of a housing project development for defense workers. After World War II, many families moved away and eventually the Seattle Housing Authority converted the complex into subsidized, low-income housing.
The library moved and expanded, but it occupied places that had been designed for use as residential homes. The buildings were so small that people lined up outside waiting to get in. Before it moved to its new location, the former Holly Park Library was 1,924 square feet.
Project: Relocate existing branch
Relocate the 1,924-square-foot Holly Park Library, which occupied converted residential units dating back to 1943 that were part of the Holly Park housing project for defense workers.
The relocated branch has expanded areas for seating and collections, upgraded technology services and equipment and a special youth focus area.
The branch is in the NewHolly Neighborhood Campus.
Quick facts
Project type: Relocate existing branch
Completion date: 1999
Budget for capital costs: $750,000
Total library program area: 4,000 square feet (formerly 1,924 square feet )
Computers: 11 (formerly 2)
Library Board steward: Greg Maffei
Architect: ARC Architects
Contractor: Absher Construction Co.
November 1999: The NewHolly Branch of The Seattle Public Library opened Saturday, Nov. 20.
November 1998: Seattle voters approved the $196.4 million "Libraries for All" bond measure. The bond money, which could be used only for construction of libraries, funded a new Central Library and new and improved branches.