Rainier Beach Branch Art | The Seattle Public Library

“Pursuit of Knowledge” by Ray Jensen

Artwork by Ray Jenson at the Rainier Beach Branch
Artwork by Ray Jenson at the Rainier Beach Branch

This sculpture combines the image of an athlete with a scholar, making the pursuit of knowledge an active event.

Seattle-born artist Ray Jenson’s “Pursuit of Knowledge” is made up of three figures in the act of running. The figures are shown in a very energetic pose with legs and arms outstretched. They are unique in the front and joined together at the back. The sculpture shows that while each person pursues their own dream, working together will move us all forward.

“Memorial to Victor Dickinson” by Richard Beyer

Victor Dickinson, principal at Emerson Elementary School for 30 years, was a well-loved educator in the Rainier Beach community. After his death, community donations purchased this sculpture for the Rainier Beach Branch.

Seattle artist Richard Beyer's cast-aluminum sculpture combines the late principal's love for children, art and learning. It shows three kids reading books in front of the library.

“Memories” by Ariela Boronat

Artwork by Ariela Boronat at the Rainier Beach Branch
Artwork by Ariela Boronat at the Rainier Beach Branch

Mixed-media artist Ariela Boronat, a former Rainier Beach resident, collected photographs from neighbors, transferred the images onto cloth and mounted the collage between two pieces of Plexiglas hanging near the new meeting room.

Some memories are about the countries people and their families come from. Other memories are about life here in this area. To represent the delicate, film-like quality of memories, artist Ariela Boronat printed photos on see-through fabric.