Preview up to 100 items from this collection below. Prints, drawings and paintings by artists Mark Tobey, Kenneth Callahan, Helmi Juvonen, Robert Cranston Lee and others celebrate the Northwest. Many pieces hail from the 1934 Public Works of Art Project.
Municipal News v. 55, no. 10, May. 24, 1965
Identifier: spl_mn_818362_55_10
Date: 1965-05-24
View this itemMunicipal News v. 55, no. 11, Jun. 14, 1965
Identifier: spl_mn_818362_55_11
Date: 1965-06-14
View this itemSymbolic stylistic form
Helmi Juvonen was born in Butte, Montana on January 17, 1903. She worked in many media including printmaking, painting and paper-craft. She attended Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle where she met artist Mark Tobey with whom she was famously obsessed. Although she was diagnosed as a manic-depressive in 1930, she gained wide appreciation in the Northwest for her linocut prints depicting Northwest Indian people and tribal ceremonies. She worked with a number of artists on the Public Works of Art Project including Fay Chong and Morris Graves. Over the years, her mental health deteriorated and in 1960 she was declared a ward of the state and was committed to Oakhurst Convalescent Center. She was much beloved and had many friends and benefactors (including Wes Wehr) and was able to have exhibitions despite the confinement. She died in 1985.
Identifier: spl_art_J989Sy2
Date: n.d.
View this itemPencil sketches of CCC camps: road construction - the shovel gang; Orcas Island, Wash.
Identifier: spl_art_N779Pe07
Date: 1934
View this itemPioneer Building interior, February 5, 1975
Staircase and offices in the interior of the Pioneer Building in Seattle, Washington.
Identifier: spl_dor_00014
Date: 1975-02-05
View this itemMunicipal News v. 55, no. 9, May. 10, 1965
Identifier: spl_mn_818362_55_09
Date: 1965-05-10
View this itemLate summer
Paul Horiuchi was born in Kawaguchi, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan in 1906. He was a collagist, painter, and muralist. He participated in the Works Progress Administration program in Wyoming with Vincent Campanella in 1923. He exhibited in the Northwest Annual at the Seattle Art Museum in 1930. He moved to Seattle in 1946 where he and his family ran an antique shop called Tozai. He was introduced to Mark Tobey and the Northwest School of artists around this time. In 1956, he began to work in collage in addition to paint for which he became quite famous. He died in 1999.
Identifier: spl_art_H782La
Date: 1958
View this itemUniversity Bridge, looking east, July 10, 1960
The University Bridge opened in 1919, connecting Seattle's University District with Eastlake. In this photograph, the bridge is open as boats travel underneath from Portage Bay to Lake Union.
Identifier: spl_dor_00001
Date: 1960-07-10
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