Library Link | The Seattle Public Library
Library Link

All Seattle Public Schools students and teachers/staff can create a Library card number with their student or staff ID number.


  • Your Library Link number is 990000 (four zeroes) followed by your 7-digit Student ID number to create a 13-digit number.
  • Your PIN is the MMDD of your birthday, 2 digits for the month and 2 digits for the day. If your birthday is November 7, your PIN is 1107.

Teachers and Staff:

  • Your Library Link number is 991, followed by two to seven zeroes, followed by your 3- to 8-digit SPS Employee ID number to create a 13-digit number.
  • Your PIN is the last 4 digits of your Library Link account number.
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Library Link gives you instant access to our online resources and digital media. Simply use your Library Link number when prompted for a Library card number. You cannot use Library Link to check out physical materials.

Use Library Link to:

Library Link Tutorial Video

Watch a short tutorial on how to access Library Link with your Seattle Public Schools student or staff ID number.

Library Link FAQs

What is Library Link?

Library Link is a partnership between The Seattle Public Library and Seattle Public Schools that allows students, teachers and staff to access the Library’s online resources using their student or teacher ID numbers.

Library Link is available for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade at all Seattle Public Schools, as well as all teachers and staff.


Who is eligible for a Library Link account?

All students in Kindergarten through 12th grade, as well as teachers and staff all Seattle Public Schools are eligible for a Library Link account. Accounts will be created automatically using student and teacher data provided to the Library by Seattle Public Schools. Students at other Seattle schools are welcome to apply for a regular Library card for free access to all resources of The Seattle Public Library.

What is my Library Link account number?

Students: 990000 (four zeroes) followed by your 7-digit Student ID number to create a 13-digit number.

Teachers and staff: 991, followed by two to seven zeroes, followed by your 3- to 8-digit SPS Employee ID number to create a 13-digit number. Your Employee ID number is the number on your paystub, minus the leading zeros.

Tip: The full Library Link account number must be 13 digits. Enter the prefix (990 for students and 991 for teachers), followed by zeroes and your Student or Employee ID number. The number of zeroes will vary based on the length of your Student or Employee ID number.


If your Student ID is 1234567, your Library Link account number is 9900001234567

If your Employee ID is 1234, your Library Link account number is 9910000001234

If your Employee ID is 12345678, your Library Link account number is 9910012345678

What is my PIN?

You will need a four-digit PIN to log in to your account. A PIN was created automatically when your account was set up.

Students: Your PIN is the MMDD of your birthday, 2 digits for the month and 2 digits for the day. For example if you were born on November 7th, your PIN is 1107.

Teachers and staff: Your PIN is the last 4 digits of your Library Link account number. For example, if your Library Link account number is 9910001234567, your PIN is 4567.

What can students do online with a Library Link account?

The Seattle Public Library has many helpful online resources for students and teachers:

How can a student check out physical books, CDs, or DVDs?

Library Link student accounts are limited to online resources only and may not be used to check out physical Library materials. Students are encouraged to visit any Seattle Public Library location and apply for a free Library card. Students under age 13 will need a parent or legal guardian’s signature on the application.  Students age 13-17 will need their school ID, or a parent or legal guardian’s signature on the application.

What if I already have a Seattle Public Library card?

Your regular Seattle Public Library card is still valid and can be used to access all the Library Link resources as well as additional free resources such as checking out physical Library materials and using computers at the Library. If you don't have a regular Library card, your student ID will allow you to access the Library's electronic resources. Students are welcome to apply for a regular Library card for free access to all resources of The Seattle Public Library.

How can I get help with my Library Link account?

For help accessing e-books, visit our Books on your device page.
For help with your PIN, ask your teacher or Ask Us
For other help with your account, ask your school librarian or Ask Us.

Can parents opt students out of this program?

Yes. Contact your school's office to opt your student(s) out of Library Link.

I found a Library Link app through my app store…Is that what I use?

No, that app is completely unrelated to the Library Link program. All you need to access our digital materials with Library Link is your Student or Employee ID numbers as described above.