Resources for Adults 50+ | The Seattle Public Library

General Resources

  • AARP - Find information on health, family caregiving, scams, retirement and Social Security. You can also call 1-888-687-2277.
  • Age Friendly Seattle - Learn about the City of Seattle Age Friendly Action Plan and events supporting older adults. Get a Gold Card with discounts for Seattle-King County Residents 60+ at your local branch.
  • BenefitsCheckup - Find out about benefits for which you might be qualified. This includes help with prescription medications if you're on Medicare.
  • Community Living Connections - Access the online database to get confidential information about community resources and services in King County for older adults, adults with disabilities, caregivers, family members and professionals. You can also call 1-844-348-5464.
  • Emergency Preparedness for Older Adults - Learn how to create an emergency plan and supply kit during a natural disaster.
  • Find a Ride - Find your best transportation options in King, Snohomish and Pierce counties. Use an online map with accessibility filters. You can also call 425-943-6760, Extension 2 from Hopelink Mobility Management.
  • Senior Centers, King County - Find a senior center near you. Participate in programs for fitness, lifelong learning, volunteering, transportation and healthy meals. For adults 50+.
  • Social Security - Apply for retirement, disability and Medicare online, manage your account, and find help and answers. You can also call Seattle Office 1-866-494-3135 or National 1-800-772-1213.
  • Social Security Resource Center - Find information on eligibility, benefits, disability benefits and more. Submit questions to AARP experts.
  • The Seattle Public Library: Ask Us. If you have a question or need help. Use our ‘Ask Us’ Service; You can also call 206-386-4636.

Resources by Topics


  • Caregivers Groups, King County - Caregivers need support too. Find groups around King County that will help you in your caregiving journey.
  • Long-Term Care Ombudsman - Get help resolving problems for residents of nursing homes, adult family homes and assisted living facilities in Washington State.
  • Reporting Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse - The City of Seattle Elder Abuse team addresses the abuse of vulnerable adults, a population that includes disabled adults as well as the elderly.
  • Timeslips - Find resources and inspiration for creative engagement and connection for elders and their family members, friends and care partners.
  • WA Elder Law Attorneys - Provides legal services and advocacy to enhance the quality of life for seniors and persons with special needs.

Consumer Protection

  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - Get tips and tools for protecting your finances including information for financial caregivers.
  • Consumer Resource Center - Find information on consumer issues and up-to-date alerts about scams and fraudulent activities. Get help with complaints. You can also call l 1-800-551-4636.
  • Fraud Watch Help Network - Get help from AARP if you think you've been targeted or have fallen victim to a scam. You can also call toll-free 1-877-908-3360.
  • Getting your credit score - Find out how to get your free credit score from your bank or credit card company along with credit updates, alerts and social security number monitoring programs.


  • Death Café - Find a local Death Café and drink tea, eat cake and discuss death. The aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives.
  • End of Life Washington - Learn about end of life choices and advance planning. You can also call 206-256-1636.
  • Funeral Costs - Find out more about funeral expenses.
  • People's Memorial Association - Find resources and programs on end-of-life planning.
  • WA Elder Law Attorneys - Provides legal services and advocacy to enhance the quality of life for seniors and persons with special needs.

Entrepreneurships and Jobs

  • Careeronestop - Explore careers, find training and job searching for older workers.
  • Job Board - Search for jobs by location, job type, compensation and employers looking for experienced workers. From AARP.
  • SCORE of Greater Seattle - Provides free one-on-one business mentoring for start-up entrepreneurs and small business owners.
  • The Seattle Public Library: Job Resources - Start your job search with resources on new careers, job skills, cover letters, resumes and job opportunities. Get free one-on-one help with job and unemployment questions.
  • The Seattle Public Library: Library to Business - Make a one-on-one, business appointment with librarians trained to help you research business topics.
  • Ventures - Provides access to business training, capital and coaching for entrepreneurs with limited resources. Offers workshops in Spanish.
  • Washington Small Business Development Center (WSBDC) - Work with business advisors to get one-on-one, confidential, no-cost advising on all phases of small business development.
  • Women's Business Center - Provides coaching, capital and classes to help small business launch and grow.


  • Elder Index - Search for the income older adults need to meet their basic needs and age in place by state, county and metropolitan area.
  • Funeral Costs - Find out more about funeral expenses.
  • Gold Card Discount Program - Learn about an opportunity for retail, service, arts, entertainment, tourism, and other organizations in the greater Seattle area to provide special discounts for older people and/or adults with disabilities. Get a Gold Card at any Seattle Public Library location.
  • King County Property Tax Exemption - Get applications for two King County property tax relief programs: property tax exemptions and property tax deferrals.
  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) - Find contact information and eligibility for assistance for low-income households to meet their immediate home energy needs.
  • Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program - Apply for $40 vouchers to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at farmers markets if you are 60+ and low-income. You can also call 1-844-348-5464.
  • Senior Medicare Patrol - Find assistance for Medicare beneficiaries, their families and caregivers to prevent, detect and report health care fraud, errors and abuse. You can also call 1-877-808-2468.
  • Social Security Resource Center - Find information on eligibility, benefits, disability benefits and more. Submit questions to AARP experts.
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - Learn about SNAP, called Basic Food in Washington, which helps people with low incomes make ends meet by providing monthly benefits to buy food. From U.S. Department of Agriculture.
  • Washington Home Ownership Resource Center - Find information and housing counseling referrals on topics such as mortgage foreclosures and delinquencies, repair assistance, home modification assistance, property tax exemptions and deferrals and reverse mortgage counseling. You can also call 1-877-894-4663.


  • Dental Clinics – Find information on clinics and programs providing reduced cost dental care.
  • Long-Term Care Ombudsman - Get help resolving problems for residents of nursing homes, adult family homes and assisted living facilities in Washington State.
  • LGBTQ Senior Care Providers - Discover a network of professionals in the Senior LGBTQ+ space.
  • Medicaid - Learn about Medicaid, called Apple Health in Washington, a government health insurance program available to people with very limited income and resources.
  • Medicare - Create an account, sign up for Medicare, search for plans and providers and find answers for too many questions.
  • Reporting Elder and Vulnerable Adult Abuse - The City of Seattle Elder Abuse team addresses the abuse of vulnerable adults, a population that includes disabled adults as well as the elderly.
  • Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program - Apply for an $80 voucher to buy fresh fruits and vegetables at farmers markets if you are 60+ and low-income. You can also call 1-844-348-5464.
  • Senior Medicare Patrol - Find assistance for Medicare beneficiaries, their families and caregivers to prevent, detect and report health care fraud, errors and abuse. You can also call 1-877-808-2468.
  • State Healthcare Insurance Program - Get free, unbiased, and confidential assistance with Medicare and health care choices. You can also call 1-800-562-6900.
  • Senior Care Clinic at Harborview – Offering unique care services for older adults including for falls and cognitive impairment.
  • UW Memory and Brain Wellness Center - Find programs to support individuals living with dementia and their care partners.
  • Vision Clinics – Find information on programs offering free or reduced cost vison services.
  • Washington Poison Center - Get immediate advice and assistance if you've had contact with poisonous, hazardous or toxic substances. Available 24x7. You can also call 1-800-222-1222.
  • WeCare Medicare - Help navigating Medicare options with a licensed insurance broker. You can also call  206-727-6234. From Sound Generations

Homes and Housing

  • Affordable Housing - Find resources to assist low-income families to find an apartment that fits their budget and needs. From the Office of Housing.
  • Home Repair Loan Program - Get affordable, no-interest loans for income-qualified home owners for critical health, safety, and structural issues. From the City of Seattle.
  • Home Repair Program - Provides assistance with critical repairs for health or safety, minor home repairs and aging in place services for lower-income homeowners. From Habitat for Humanity Seattle-King County.
  • Home Safety Checklist for Alzheimer's Disease - Follow a room-by-room checklist to identify hazards for people living with memory loss and their care partners.
  • King County Housing Repair - Find funding for housing repair services to low-income homeowners and special needs renters through loans and grants. You can also call 206-263-9095.
  • King County Property Tax Exemption - Get applications for two King County property tax relief programs: property tax exemptions and property tax deferrals.
  • Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) - Find contact information and eligibility for assistance for low-income households to meet their immediate home energy needs.
  • Master Builders Association of King County – Get a free wheelchair ramp built on your home.
  • Minor Home Repair - Get home maintenance help for individuals with disabilities, low-income family homeowners and older adult homeowners. From Sound Generations.
  • Rebuilding Together Seattle – Provides free home repairs for low income homeowners.   
  • Silvernest - Get help finding a roommate and other housing support such as home sharing insurance, lease creation and automated rent payments. Fee-based.
  • Village to Village Network - Identify virtual villages in your area and the services they provide to allow you to age in your own home.
  • Washington Home Ownership Resource Center - Find information and housing counseling referrals on topics such as mortgage foreclosures and delinquencies, repair assistance, home modification assistance, property tax exemptions and deferrals and reverse mortgage counseling. You can also call 1-877-894-4663.


  • Aging with Pride: I.D.E.A. - Check out a free, six-week program to reduce stress and increase physical activity for older LGBTQ+ individuals living with dementia and their care partners.
  • GenPride - Participate in classes and social events for LGBTQ+ older adults. Get help with social service referrals.
  • LGBT Senior Care Providers - Discover a network of professionals in the Senior LGBTQ+ space.
  • Rainbow Recreation - Find recreational opportunities for LGBTQ+ adults 50+. From Seattle Parks and Recreation.

Lifelong Learning

  • AgeWise TV - Watch a weekly hour-long program with arts and exercise activities, interviews and documentaries on topics focused on older adults.
  • Frye from Home - Explore virtual arts discussions and activities.
  • Lifelong Recreation - Participate in activities and programs for adults 50+, including physical activity, healthy lifestyles, education, arts, creativity and social engagement.
  • Lifetime Learning Center - Take classes to engage inquisitive minds and support successful aging, small fee charged for classes.
  • Next Avenue - Explore new ideas and perspectives on issues affecting older adults. From PBS.
  • Osher Lifelong Learning Institute - Take classes, join study groups, and attend special events for adults 50+. Annual membership fee and additional class fees.
  • Senior Centers, King County - Find a senior center near you. Participate in programs for fitness, lifelong learning, volunteering, transportation and healthy meals. For adults 50+.
  • Timeslips - Find resources and inspiration for creative engagement and connection for elders and their family members, friends and care partners.
  • Well-Connected - Join a free class on a wide range of topics by phone or online for adults 60+. Classes are available in English and Spanish.

Memory Loss

  • Alzheimer's Association of Western Washington - Get information for adults living with Alzheimer's and other dementias and their families and care partners. Find support groups and access a helpline. Available 24x7. You can also call 1-800-272-3900.
  • Dementia-Friendly Recreation - Enjoy recreation and social engagement opportunities for people living with memory loss. From Seattle Parks and Recreation.
  • Greenwood Senior Center - Find support for early-stage memory loss, opportunities to socialize, and cultural and social events for the needs of those with memory loss and their care partners.
  • Home Safety Checklist for Alzheimer's Disease - Follow a room-by-room checklist to identify hazards for people living with memory loss and their care partners.
  • Long-Term Care Ombudsman - Get help resolving problems for residents of nursing homes, adult family homes and assisted living facilities in Washington State.
  • Momentia - Participate in social opportunities for people living with memory loss and their care partners.
  • The Memory Hub - Find programs to support individuals living with dementia and their care partners.

Social Connections

  • Death Café - Find a local Death Café and drink tea, eat cake and discuss death. The aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives.
  • Foster Grandparents - Volunteer to mentor a child in King or Snohomish County from AmeriCorps Seniors. Stipend are available for low-income older adults. You can also call 425-514-3188.
  • Friendly Voices - Sign up for weekly phone calls with a compassionate volunteer. Service is available in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Hindi. 
  • Friendship Line - Call this 24x7 crisis line if you're feeling lonely. For adults 60+ and adults with disabilities. Available 24x7. Call 1-800-971-0016.
  • Lifelong Recreation - Participate in activities and programs for adults 50+, including physical activity, healthy lifestyles, education, arts, creativity and social engagement.
  • Senior Centers, King County - Find a senior center near you. Participate in programs for fitness, lifelong learning, volunteering, transportation and healthy meals.
  • Senior Companion Program - Volunteer to help older adults stay independent or get help to preserve your independence. From AmeriCorps Seniors. 
  • Village to Village Network - Identify virtual villages in your area and the services they provide to allow you to age in your own home.

Social Services

  • Affordable Housing - Find resources to assist low-income families to find an apartment that fits their budget and needs. From the Office of Housing.
  • BenefitsCheckup - Find out about benefits for which you might be qualified. This includes help with prescription medications if you're on Medicare.
  • Community Living Connections - Access the online database to get confidential information about community resources and services in King County for older adults, adults with disabilities, caregivers, family members and professionals. You can also call 1-844-348-5464.
  • Eldercare Locator - Find resources and referrals by zip code or city throughout the U.S. including meal sites, housing and social services, especially for long-distance care partners. Call at 1-800-677-1116. 
  • Food Resources for Seattle-Area - Find the closest food resources near you.
  • Hunger Free America Hotline - Call to get connections to emergency food providers, government assistance programs, and other social services. Call 1-866-3-HUNGRY for English or 1-877-8-HAMBRE for Spanish.
  • Kinship Services - Provides financial assistance and case management for eligible families providing "kinship care" - adults ages 18 or older who are the primary caregiver for a friend's or a relative's children.
  • Lifelong – Sign up for Chicken Brigade’s food and nutrition program - This program provides appropriate dietary nutrition for those with cancer, kidney disease, HIV, and other diet-related chronic health conditions as well as those recently discharged from an inpatient hospital stay.  
  • Meals on Wheels - Find information and search by zip code to find providers for home-delivered meals for older adults with diminished physical mobility. Volunteers provide a friendly visit and safety check.
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - Learn about SNAP, called Basic Food in Washington, which helps people with low incomes make ends meet by providing monthly benefits to buy food. From U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Tech Help

  • TechConnect Washington - Free technical support to Washington residents to help engage in virtual environments, resource available in 10 languages. Call 800-216-1132.
  • The Seattle Public Library: Ask Us. If you have a question or need help. Use our ‘Ask Us’ Service; You can also call 206-386-4636.


  • ACCESS - Access takes you anywhere a Metro bus, Seattle streetcar or Sound Transit light rail goes at that time and on that day of the week. Use Access for grocery shopping, commuting to work and school, or to meet up with friends. You must be found eligible for the ADA Paratransit Program before you can request rides on Access.
  • Find a Ride - Find your best transportation options in King, Snohomish and Pierce counties. Use an online map with accessibility filters. You can also call 425-943-6760 Extension 2. From Hopelink Mobility Management.
  • The Human Services Bus Ticket Program - A program that provides subsidized bus tickets to eligible human service agencies serving persons who are homeless and/or low income.
  • Hopelink Transportation - Find transportation options including Dart Transit, Medicaid transportation, Community vans, Veterans Transportation, and more.
  • Hyde Shuttle - A program that provides door-to-door van service for older adults and adults with disabilities throughout many communities in King County.
  • Regional Reduced Fare Permit (RRFP) - Available for riders ages 65+, riders with disabilities, and Medicare card holders. Reduced fares on participating transit agencies in the Puget Sound area.
  • Seattle Downton Circulator Bus - A fixed-route, 7-stop Circulator-bus providing free rides for people living on low incomes and those who access health and human services in downtown Seattle.
  • Volunteer Transportation Service - Provides free, personalized safe transportation to essential healthcare appointments.

Universal Design and Assistive Technology

  • Aging in Place Technology Watch - Track new devices, read reviews, and learn about trends for aging in place technologies.
  • Environments for All - Learn about universal design, accessibility features for homes and resources in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Explore AT (Assistive Technology) - Find assistive technology resources, tips, financial information, fact sheets, and videos relating to specific disabilities.
  • LEAP (Library Equal Access Program) - Contact LEAP at The Seattle Public Library for information about accessible Library programs, services and assistive devices.
  • Master Builders Association of King County – Get a free wheelchair ramp built on your home.
  • Northwest Access Fund - Provides low-interest loans for people to purchase assistive technology and free one-on-one financial coaching for people with disabilities and older adults.
  • Northwest ADA Center - Get assistance with questions about equal opportunity in employment and equal access to goods and services for people with disabilities. Find fact sheets on parking, service animals, education, accessible shopping, travel, housing and more. You can also call 1-800-949-4232; Relay 7-1-1; Video Phone (ASL) 1-425-233-8913.
  • Washington Assistive Technology - Provides assistive technology consultations, device demonstrations and short-term loans.
  • Washington Telecommunications Relay Services (WATRS) - Free Washington state service that allows callers to communicate with deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind, hard of hearing and speech disabled people.