Election Resources | The Seattle Public Library

Voter Resources

Find information about voting, voter registration and elections from these government websites:

Federal Voting Assistance Program – Federal voting assistance for service members, their families, and overseas citizens. Provides access to election officials and voting assistance officers to help navigate the absentee voting process. 

Presidential Election Process – Learn about the Presidential election process, including the Electoral College, caucuses and primaries, and the national conventions. The Federal Government has developed a  glossary of common terms used during election seasons. Perfect for new voters.

Ballot Resources

Voter Registration

You can find detailed information about voter registration on the King County Elections website. There are three ways to register:

The Future Voters - Information on how to pre-register to vote for 16 and 17 year-olds.


Campaign Finance

Find out how candidates’ campaigns are funded.

Federal Election Commission – Official United States Government website that tracks campaign finance and donations.

Fact Checking

These websites help you verify facts and claims made by candidates.

FactCheck.org – A project of The Annenberg Public Policy Center - “monitoring the factual accuracy of what is said by major U.S. political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases.”

PolitiFact – A fact-checking website founded by editors of  Time Magazine and in conjunction with  Congressional Quarterly.

Snopes – Independently owned by Snopes Media Group - “Oldest and largest fact-checking site online.”

Washington Post Fact Checker – Fact checking column from the Washington Post.

How to become a candidate for office or put a measure on the ballot

For Candidates & Campaigns

How to Sponsor an Initiative