Genealogy Appointments | The Seattle Public Library

Genealogy Appointments

We can help you with a wide range of genealogy needs, from building basic genealogy skills and navigating resources like Ancestry and FamilySearch to interpreting DNA results and exploring deeper branches of your family tree. You can request an in-person appointment at the Central Library, a virtual meeting with screen sharing, or a phone consultation.

How Genealogy Appointments Work

Submit the form to select your appointment time and tell us what kind of help you need

Submit the form to select your appointment time and tell us what kind of help you need.

We will contact you to schedule an appointment

We will contact you to schedule your appointment.

You will meet with a librarian for 30 minutes

You will meet with a librarian for 30 minutes.

Make a Genealogy Appointment

Please submit the form at least 24 hours before your requested appointment time. Next-day appointments may be accommodated if our schedule allows.