Safe Place | The Seattle Public Library

About Safe Place

Safe place logo

To access Safe place services, youth can approach any established Safe Place site, which includes all of our 27 locations, recognizable by a yellow diamond logo, or call 1-800-422-TEEN. (This service is available from 11 a.m.- 7 p.m. Monday - Friday. You can also call 1-866-427-4747 Crisis Connections 24/7 hotline.)

Youth may also text ‘Safe’ along with current address, city and state to 4HELP (44357) to receive a message with the nearest Safe Place site and local Safe Place hotline number. Youth can then respond with ‘2CHAT’ to text live, one-on-one with a trained counselor.

A Safe Place coordinator will respond, providing resources, connecting the young person to shelter services, or reuniting them with family when safe and appropriate.

The Safe Place program in King County is operated by Friends of Youth and is funded by King County. We are part of a network of agencies and organizations providing over 2,100 Safe Place sites throughout the county, including community centers, businesses, non-profit agencies, YMCA facilities, Metro Transit buses, and libraries.