Get started if you have kids | The Seattle Public Library

Many Library locations have games and activities for kids and teens. Learn more about the programs and services we offer for kids and families.

The Library for Kids FAQs

How does a child under 13 get a Library card?

Parents and guardians of children under 13, you can sign up for a free Library card for your child. Just submit the online form to get instant access to Library materials and resources

Can parents and guardians access their kids’ Library account?

Yes. Parents and guardians can access their kids’ accounts to see when items are due, pay charges, pick up holds, manage notifications, and update contact information. Parents and guardians should make sure that materials are appropriate for their child’s age. When kids turn 13, we protect their privacy and will not allow parents or guardians access to their accounts.

Parents and caregivers of minor borrowers may only check out items on their child’s card if:

  • The child is present, or
  • They present the child’s Library card, or
  • They enter the child’s Library card number and PIN using self-checkout

We advise parents and caregivers to make a note of card numbers and PINs for their convenience.

Can parents and guardians pay Library charges for their kids?

Parents and guardians agree to pay any charges associated with their juvenile child’s card when they co-sign their application and may pay charges on their kids’ accounts.

What programs and services does the Library offer for kids?

We offer free programs for children of all ages, ranging from early learning activities to reading challenges:

  • Story Time for children in preschool and younger
  • Begin with Books kits for early readers (ages 3-6) to share with parents or caregivers
  • Student Success programs for kids in grades K-12, to provide tutoring and online resources for students
  • Global Reading Challenge for Seattle Public School 4th and 5th grade students who read and study from a book list to prepare for a trivia Quiz Bowl
  • Summer of Learning program to keep kids reading and learning during summer break
  • Virtual programs and activities for kids on our YouTube channel

How does the Library prevent kids from seeing inappropriate material?

Parents and guardians should make sure materials their kids under 13 check out are age-appropriate. Filtered internet access is available in the children’s areas at your Library. Outside of those areas computers have unrestricted access to the internet, which may include adult content. Please respect the privacy of other patrons using our computers. We do our best to place computers where screens are not easy to view and use privacy screens on the monitors.

What should I do if my kids lose Library materials?

We understand that sometimes things get misplaced. We will charge you for the replacement cost of items when they are six weeks overdue. Young people with charges for lost items may qualify for a waiver. If you are unable to return the item or pay the replacement cost, Ask Us about your options.