A-Z Online Resources | The Seattle Public Library


  • Library card required ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry

    Search here for the full text of industry and trade magazines, journals and newsletters. Includes up-to-date industry reports that detail trends, challenges, opportunities, financial benchmarks, and more.

  • Library card required Academic OneFile

    Offers a world of academic research at your fingertips, with more than 17,000 scholarly journals, podcasts and transcripts.

  • Library card required Access Video

    Access Video lets you watch video on demand from any computer or tablet, with no app or software to download. The Access Video collection includes online shows and documentaries from channels like PBS, BBC, History Channel, A&E and more.

  • Library card required Access World News

    Find newspapers from across the United States and around the world from more than 11,000 news sources, including over 140 from Washington State.

  • Available only in Library locations American Ancestors

    The New England Historic Genealogical Society’s (NEHGS) website, with over 470 record-based databases to search, containing data from all over the globe. Includes the NEHG Register, American Ancestors Magazine, the Boston Catholic records, the General Society of Mayflower Descendants Applications, vital records, and many more.

  • Library card required America's Historical Newspapers - Early American News

    Explore early American history to support school assignments, genealogical and local history research, and more. Features more than 1,000 historical newspapers from all 50 states. This database includes early American newspapers previously available in America's Genealogy Bank.

  • Available only in Library locations Ancestry Library Edition

    Interested in genealogy? We partnered with Ancestry.com to help you search billions of historical documents, photos, oral histories and more, from the 1500s to the present.

  • Library card required AP Stylebook Online

    This online version of the official Associated Press Stylebook is searchable, customizable and updated regularly. It offers writing guidelines for spelling, usage, punctuation and style. Includes access to Webster's New World College Dictionary.

  • Library card required Art Index Retrospective

    Find article citations from 1929 -1984 from nearly 600 publications of art literature covering fine, decorative, and commercial art.

  • Library card required AtoZ the World

    Want to learn about another country? Get in-depth information about 175 countries, including history, culture, customs, food, religion, travel information, maps and much more.