A-Z Online Resources | The Seattle Public Library


  • Library card required New York Times (1980 to present)

    This ProQuest database offers searchable access to full-text articles from The New York Times.

  • Library card required New York Times Digital

    If you are on a Library computer or connected to Library Wi-Fi, you can read New York Times articles online for free. Start by creating an account or logging in. You can also get an access code good for 72 hours to read outside the Library. Includes News, Games, Cooking, Wirecutter and The Athletic. After 72 hours, you can log in again using this link with your username and password to get additional access. Also available via NYTimes app.

  • Library card required New York Times Historical

    Curious about the past? Find full-text and full-image content from The New York Times, including articles, headlines, ads, obituaries and more. Contains full-text and images in PDF format of the New York Times from 1851 to three years before current year.

  • Library card required News for You Online

    Read, write, speak and understand English with news articles written to help English Language learners and students. Includes audio, exercises and vocabulary. Use password 532792.

  • Library card required Northstar Digital Literacy

    Gain computer confidence and master technology skills with Northstar’s Digital Literacy lessons. Develop current skills needed in today’s workforce, safely connect online with your friends and family, learn to use programs for school and more.

  • Library card required NoveList Plus

    An extensive database of fiction and nonfiction on a wide range of reading interests for adults, teens and kids. Search for books by subject, read full-text reviews and get reading suggestions by author or subject. Book discussion guides are included.

  • Library card required U.S. Major Dailies (formerly National Newspapers)

    Full-text access to five major daily newspapers: Chicago Tribune 1985-current; Los Angeles Times 1985-current; New York Times 1980-current; Wall Street Journal Eastern Edition 1984-current; and Washington Post 1987-current.