Safe Place
The Seattle Public Library is a member of the King County Safe Place program.
Schools and Teachers
We offer many resources and services to Seattle-area daycares, schools, and other community agencies serving kids and teens.
Seattle Reads
Seattle Reads is a "one book, one city" program, where people are encouraged to read and discuss the same book.
Seattle Writes
Explore free classes and resources on creative writing and publishing.
Sharing Our Voices
Watch animated oral histories that focus on the LGBTQ+ community. These short films were produced by the Library as part of Sharing Our Voices, a project designed to preserve the oral histories of Seattle's distinct communities.
Short Story DIspenser
Find our Short Edition story dispensers to print a story to read on the spot or take with you. Choose from Children’s, Short Stories and Local Authors.
Social Justice
Learn more about current social justice issues through free online resources and programs.
Social Services Referrals
Connect with our Social Services Team for information about and referrals to resources and services.
Somali Book
We work with Seattle’s Somali community to publish Somali books for children.
Southwest Artist Showcase
Each year we display works by local artists at the Southwest Branch.
Story Time
Enjoy stories, songs, and fun learning activities for babies, toddlers and young children.
Story’hood is a series of workshops where you can learn to design a location based game.
Student Success
Discover free programs, services and resources to help students succeed in school.
Summer of Learning
The Library has offered summer programs for Seattle youth since 1919 – this summer will be our 105th year of summer youth programming!