Garden Hotline | The Seattle Public Library

Garden Hotline Presents

A person working with houseplants at a table.

Join us for a workshop and learn a new gardening skill, even if you only have a balcony or windowsill.  Learn about the best soil, pot, and plant choices for your home, how to create a garden plan, make compost, manage pests and encourage pollinators.  All supplies are provided at these free events and you can even get seeds or a plant to take home!

About The Garden Hotline

The Garden Hotline: Your garden, our expertise

The Garden Hotline offers individualized solutions to garden problems that are practical, safe, effective, and natural. Services are free to home gardeners and landscape professionals throughout Seattle and King County. They can help you reduce waste, conserve water and resources, and minimize chemical use while creating a vibrant landscape. The Garden Hotline staff also research, write articles in many languages and teach classes.

Staff Picks

Book covers: The Beginner's Guide to Growing Great Vegetables. How to Grow. Fearless Gardening.

Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the Maritime Northwest. Our collection is bursting with informative and illustrated guides. Get inspired and informed with these new selections, then get outside and start digging!