Outdoor Recreation | The Seattle Public Library

Explore y disfrute al aire libre de las maravillas naturales. Planifique una caminata, campamento, ciclismo, pesca u otra actividad al aire libre este verano. Tenemos guías gratuitas, mapas y otros recursos disponibles para consultar.
Hãy ra ngoài và khám phá các kỳ quan thiên nhiên. Lên kế hoạch đi bộ đường dài (hiking), cắm trại, câu cá hoặc các chuyến đi ngoài trời khác trong mùa hè này. Chúng tôi có sẵn các sách hướng dẫn, bản đồ và các nguồn lực miễn phí mà quý vị có thể mượn.
出来走走,探索自然奇观。 计划在今年夏天远足、露营、骑自行车、钓鱼或其他户外旅行?我们有免费的指南、地图和其他资源可供查看。


Banaanka aad oo sahmi cajaa'ibyada dabiiciga ah. Qorshayso meel dheer socod ku aadida, xero degida, baaskiil wadista, kalluumaysiga, ama safar aad banaanka guriga ku aadeyso xagaagan. Waxaan kuu haynaa buugaag hagitaan, khariirado iyo agabyo kale oo bilaash ah si aad u eegto.

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Local Outdoor Recreation Guides

Get outside and explore the natural wonders of Western Washington and beyond with these local hiking, camping, biking, fishing and other outdoor recreation guides.

Local Outdoor Recreation Guides

Discover Passes

You can check out a Discover Pass for two weeks with your Library card. A Discover Pass gives you free access to millions of acres of state parks and recreational areas in Washington.

Local Outdoor Recreation Maps

The Library has several circulating maps collections available for checkout to support your recreational pursuits.

Maps You Can Place On Hold

Green Trails hiking maps for Washington and Oregon

Green Trails maps are large scale topographic maps showing hiking trails marked in green, along with other relevant recreational data. They cover the Cascade and Olympic mountains. The main run of maps is equivalent to four USGS quadrangles, meaning hikers can carry fewer maps to cover the complete distance of a trail. The lightweight and waterproof S and SX (Special and Special Extra Large) maps are centered to show a single trail or group of trails in full, and are usually folded.

Green Trails hiking maps are available to view in the Library catalog and can be placed on hold and sent to your local branch.

Custom Correct hiking maps for the Olympic Peninsula

Custom Correct maps are similar to Green Trails maps, but cover the Olympic peninsula only. Custom Correct maps often overlap and are centered to show a full trail. See the map index

Custom Correct hiking maps are available to view in the Library catalog and can be placed on hold and sent to your local branch.

Maps Not Found in Catalog

National Geographic Trails Illustrated Maps for Washington and Oregon

Waterproof topographic maps showing trails and recreational points of interest.

  • 216 – Olympic National Park
  • 217 – Mount Rainier National Park
  • 223 – North Cascades National Park
  • 321 –Mount Hood Wilderness, Mount Hood National Forest
  • 818 – Bend, Three Sisters
  • 819 – Mount Jefferson, Mount Washington
  • 820 – Mount Hood, Willamette National Forest
  • 821 – Columbia River Gorge
  • 822 – Mount St. Helens, Mount Adams
  • 823 – Goat Rocks, Norse Peak
  • 824 – Issaquah Alps, Mount Si
  • 825 – Alpine Lakes Wilderness
  • 826 – Mount Baker and Boulder River
  • 827 – Glacier Peak Wilderness

National Geographic Trails Illustrated Maps can be checked out by contacting the History, Travel, and Maps department through Ask Us to have them sent to a branch for pickup.

SeaTrails kayaking and small craft maps for Washington

Waterproof maps showing shoreline distances, bearings, public launch points, depth contours, ferry routes, paddling hazards, light and buoy locations, rocks, reefs, and campgrounds.

  • WA001 – Rosario Strait, Bellingham Channel, Padilla Bay
  • WA002 – Lopez, Blakely, Decatur, and Shaw Islands
  • WA003 – San Juan and Stuart Islands
  • WA004 – Orcas Island and Northern San Juans
  • WA005 – Lummi Island/Bellingham and Samish Bays
  • WA101 – Deception Pass and Skagit Bay
  • WA102 – Camano Island Port Susan, and Penn Cove
  • WA103 – Port Townsend, Dungeness Spit to Marrowstone Island
  • WA104 – Central Puget Sound, Everett to Bainbridge Island
  • WA105 – North Hood Canal, Dosewallips to Port Ludlow
  • WA201 – South Hood Canal and Dabob Bay
  • WA202 - Seattle, Bainbridge Island, Bremerton and Liberty Bay
  • WA203 - Vashon Island, Tacoma Narrows to Elliot Bay
  • WA204 - Nisqually Delta, Anderson Island, Case and Carr Inlets
  • WA205 - Olympia, the Inlets and Hartstene Island
  • WA301 - Strait of Juan de Fuca and Crescent Lake
  • WA302 - Roadless Coast, Neah Bay to Ruby Beach
  • WAU01 - Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish and Lake Union

SeaTrails kayaking and small craft maps can be checked out by contacting the History, Travel, and Maps department through Ask Us to have them sent to a branch for pickup.

Fish n' Map Co. fishing maps for Washington state

Waterproof maps giving information on fish species, boat ramps and other nearby amenities, and showing underwater topography and bathymetry.

  • Banks Lake/Lake Washington
  • Columbia River, Lower (Bonneville Dam to the Pacific Ocean)
  • Columbia River, Upper (McNary Dam to Bonneville Dam)
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake
  • Neah Bay / Strait of Juan de Fuca (West) /Port Renfrew - Including Cape Flattery, Port Renfrew and Swiftsure Bank
  • Potholes Lake / Moses Lake / Lake Sammamish
  • Puget Sound North - Everett to Deception Pass
  • Puget Sound South - Olympia-Tacoma-Seattle
  • Rufus Woods/Cascade Lake
  • San Juan Islands / So. Gulf Islands / Strait of Juan de Fuca
  • Snake River - Ice Harbor Dam, WA through Lewiston, ID
  • Tri Cities - Lake Wallula and Columbia River - McNary Dam to Priest Rapids Dam, including Vernita Bridge

Fish n' Map Co. fishing maps can be checked out by contacting the History, Travel, and Maps department through Ask Us to have them sent to a branch for pickup.

Accessible Outdoor Adventures

Public Land Resources

Find tools and resources online for planning your accessible outdoor adventures. The following resources help disabled outdoor enthusiasts find suitable trails and campgrounds on public (state and federal) land.

Finding Community

The following resources help disabled outdoor enthusiasts connect with other disabled people.

  • Disabled Hikers: Disability community and justice in the outdoors – A nonprofit by and for disabled hikers focusing on making a space for disabled people in the outdoors, building disabled hiker communities, and advocating for the importance of accessibility.
  • Trip Reports: Washington Trails Association – A website where members post detailed reports of their hiking trips. While not specifically designed for disabled hikers, it is valuable for finding up-to-date trail conditions and reading about experiences that make help make decisions about which trails may have unexpected barriers or make the perfect hike.

Other Resources

Looking for information on hiking trail conditions? Check out Trip Reports and more at Washington Trails Association.

WA100 - WA100 is an online guide to 100 publicly accessible geological sites in Washington state. A list of recreational activities—such as hiking, biking, rock climbing, horseback riding, camping, fishing, and boating—is provided for each site, as well as maps and directions.