Mobile Library Services | The Seattle Public Library

Who we serve

library staff helping patron in the bookmobile

We bring the Library to you!

  • Kids: Bookmobiles visit eligible preschools and childcare centers throughout the city
  • Older adults: Bookmobiles bring books and other library materials to retirement homes, senior housing, and senior centers.
  • People with disabilities: Bookmobiles visit housing for people living with physical disabilities or special needs. That includes visits to nursing homes and group homes. Through the Home Service and Books by Mail programs, we also deliver items right to your home.
  • Our community: Bookmobiles also travel to special events and support selected initiatives to help people access the Library and learn what we have to offer.

Requesting Mobile Services

We have guidelines for receiving Books by Mail, Home Service and Bookmobile visits. Please review our Mobile Library Services Eligibility Criteria before making a request.

For services outside of Seattle city limits, see the Library2Go service offered through the King County Library System.

Using Mobile Services

SPL bookmobile

Once you are signed up for Mobile Services, we visit you once a month at a regular date and time. We bring new Library materials and accept returns from the previous visit.

To receive Library materials that meet your needs, you can make requests two weeks before your visit. You can do this a few ways:

  • Place holds in our online catalog (select Mobile Services as your pickup location)
  • Ask Us online or call 206-386-4636
  • Talk to us in person when we visit!

Using Books by Mail and Home Service

patrons using the bookmobile

These free services are available to Seattle residents who are unable to travel to the library. Please review our eligibility criteria before requesting these services. Once enrolled, you can:

  • Have library materials delivered once a month, either through the mail for Books by Mail or right to your front door for Home Service.
  • Borrow any circulating library materials, including books, audiobooks, magazines, DVDs, and music CDs.
  • Request specific items by placing holds in our online catalog (select Mobile Services as your pickup location), or by calling the Library at 206-386-4636.

Contacting Mobile Services

Please let us know as soon as possible if:

  • Your contact information changes
  • You will be gone during your scheduled delivery
  • Your needs have changed
  • You have questions

Mobile Services' bookmobile runs may vary or be cancelled during holiday periods; if you are not sure when our next visit will be, please call 206-386-4636.

If you would like to sign up for one of these services or have a question, Ask Us or call 206-386-4636.