Americans with Disabilities Act Accommodations | The Seattle Public Library

Accessible Buildings

 All Library locations, interior book returns, restrooms and meeting rooms are ADA compliant. Each location has:

  • One or more accessible public computer workstations equipped with large-type keyboards
  • Designated ADA parking spaces
  • Automatic doors at all main entrances and elevator access to all levels
  • Elevators at the Central Library provide verbal cues at each floor

 A number of bus routes stop at or near libraries. Contact Metro at 206-553-3000 for more information about accessible transportation.

Library Equal Access Program (LEAP)

The Library Equal Access Program (LEAP) provides services to patrons with disabilities and supports access to our programs and services. This program provides adaptive equipment resources and other Library services for use by patrons with disabilities.

Service Animals

We welcome patrons who benefit from having a service animal accompany them. A service animal is defined as "an animal that is trained for the purpose of assisting or accommodating a person's sensory, mental, or physical disability."

Accessible Book Formats

Library cardholders may borrow from a large selection of large-type books, downloadable e-audiobooks, e-books and CD audiobooks for all ages.

ADA Accommodations

We provide accommodations by request for patrons with disabilities, including ADA accommodations for access to library buildings and services and accommodations for library programs and events such as ASL interpretation, assistive listening devices and other accommodations. Some patrons with disabilities may qualify for the ADA Circulation Qualification Program.