Rates and Usage | The Seattle Public Library

How We Determine Room Rental Rates

Class A, B and C Use

Depending on the organization and event type, we classify use as A, B or C. We calculate in 4-hour increments (a meeting from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. would be at the 4-hour rate; a meeting from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. would be twice the 4-hour rate), and charge different rates based on class of use.

Garage parking is available at listed public rates. Special parking rates for evening events are available if arranged in advance.

Additional fees may apply based on size and scope of your event.

  • Event Services staff will determine additional custodial fees based on: size of event, number of floors/spaces used in the Library, location within the Library, the type of food service and the amount of set-up and breakdown of the spaces to be used.
  • Event Services staff will determine the number of security officers needed based on: size of event, whether or not the event involves a passive or involved audience (performance, workshop, reception, book signing), number of floors/spaces used in the Library, location within the Library, whether there is food and/or alcohol service and the hours of the event.

Class "A" Use

Class "A" rates apply to non-profit groups, government agencies and City of Seattle departments for non-commercial use (e.g., no admission fee, vendor fee and/or donation is requested or received.) Events may or may not be open to the public and may occur during or outside of regular Library operating hours.

The Level 6 and Mixing Chamber meeting rooms are available at no charge to non-profit groups for meetings, once per month, Monday through Friday during open hours as long as no admission fee, vendor fee and/or donation is requested or received.

Class "B" or "C" Use

Class "B" rates apply to non-profit groups whose events or meetings involve admission fees, donations or commercial use. Events may or may not be open to the public and may occur during or outside of regular Library operating hours.

Class "C" rates apply to businesses, private individuals or private groups. Admission or vendor fees may be collected and donations may be received during the event. Events may be held during or outside regular Library operating hours. Examples of Class C use include private parties, receptions, seminars or workshops

Weekday Rates

Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. (Friday until 6 p.m.)

Prices are for any length of time four hours or less. Full day meetings or meetings longer than four hours are charged at twice the rate. Events may finish at 9 p.m. for an additional fee.

(additional fees required, see below)
capacity: 275
$500 $600
Level 4 Meeting Room 1
(AV additional, see below)
maximum capacity: 200
$300 $400
Level 4 Meeting Room 2
(AV additional, see below)
maximum capacity: 75
$250 $350
Level 4 Meeting Room 5
maximum capacity: 22
$100 $150
Level 4 Meeting Room 6
maximum capacity: 22
$100 $150
Mixing Chamber Meeting Room
(AV additional, see below)
maximum capacity: 16
$50 $50
Level 6 Meeting Room
(AV additional, see below)
maximum capacity: 12
$50 $50
Level 8 Meeting Room
maximum capacity: 14
$125 $175
Level 9 Meeting Room
maximum capacity: 8 (5 if projector is added)
$50 $50

Weekend Open Hours Rates

Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Prices are for any length of time four hours or less. Full day meetings or meetings longer than four hours are charged at twice the rate. Events may finish at 9 p.m. for an additional fee.

Location Class A/B/C
(additional fees required, see below)
capacity: 275
Level 4 Meeting Room 1
(AV additional, see below)
maximum capacity: 200
Level 4 Meeting Room 2
(AV additional, see below)
maximum capacity: 75
Level 4 Meeting Room 5
maximum capacity: 22
Level 4 Meeting Room 6
maximum capacity: 22
Mixing Chamber Meeting Room
(AV additional, see below)
maximum capacity: 16
Level 6 Meeting Room
(AV additional, see below)
maximum capacity: 12
Level 8 Meeting Room
maximum capacity: 14
Level 9 Meeting Room
maximum capacity: 8 (5 if projector is added)

Weekend Evening Event Space Rates

Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays 7 p.m. - 11 p.m.

These are public spaces available after the library closes. Additional security, parking and custodial fees will apply depending on size and scope of your event.

Location Class A/B/C
Living Room
maximum capacity: 350-400
Reading Room
maximum capacity: 100-150

Custodial & Security Fees

Service Fee
Custodial Fee
Event Services staff will determine additional custodial fees based on the following factors: size of event, number of floors/spaces used in the library, location within the library, the type of food service, and the amount of set-up and breakdown of the spaces to be used.
Security Officer and/or Event Services Assistant
Event Services staff will determine the number of staff needed based on the following factors: size of event, whether or not the event involves a passive or involved audience (performance, workshop, reception, book signing), number of floors/spaces used in the library, location within the library, whether there is food and/or alcohol service, and the hours of the event.
$250 per staff

A/V Equipment Fees

Equipment Class A Class B/C
Audio/video technician (required for all use of auditorium) includes all microphones, video, projection, screen, audio, ADA equipment, automated door, setup, tear-down, in-session adjustments, and piano. Clients must provide their own laptop.

$100 per hour

$125 per hour

LCD projector 1080p 16:9 (included in some rooms) $50 $100
Polycom conference phone (available in most rooms) $50 $50
Media cart (includes DVD player, VHS player, plasma screen-laptop hookup) $25 $25
Single speaker system with standing microphone $50 $50
Two speaker system with up to six panel microphones $200-$300 $200-300

If you have a question or need help, email us or call our Meeting Room Information Line at 206-733-9608.