Accessibility Toolkits | The Seattle Public Library

Toolkit Items

  • Keyboard
    Large-type, high-contrast PC keyboards are helpful for patrons needing more visibility. Work stations with the keyboard are labeled with an ADA sticker.

  • Noise-cancelling earmuffs
    These help reduce sensory input for people who are sensitive to noise.

  • Low vision note-writing frame
    The frame helps patrons with low vision fill out forms or take notes during research by providing guides for even line spacing.

  • Low vision signature guide
    This device creates a signature space for patrons to use when signing their name on Library cards, checks and other documents.

  • Low vision writing tablet
    This wide-ruled paper offers thick, dark lines for patrons with low vision and can be used for reference or research notes.

  • 20/20 marker
    This marker creates thick, dark lines for patrons with low vision to write down reference answers, such as call numbers or addresses.

  • Reizen dome magnifier
    This magnifies text or images on a page by about three to four times to help low vision patrons view part of a page.

  • Bar magnifier
    This magnifies text or images on a page by about two to three times, and it is ideal for low vision patrons to use for reading lines of text.

  • Magnifying sheet
    This magnifies text or images on a page by about two to three times, and it is ideal for low vision patrons to use for viewing a full document, map, etc.

Assistive Technology and Equipment

  • JAWS screen reader software allows computer users to read text on a computer screen with a speech synthesizer or braille display. JAWS is available on all public computers at all locations.

  •  ZoomText screen magnification software allows computer users to magnify and enhance the text on a computer screen. ZoomText is available on all public computers at all locations.

  • Refreshable braille displays allow computer users to read and input text on a computer screen using braille. 80-cell braille displays are available at Central Library in the LEAP lab on Level 1 and the Mixing Chamber on Level 5. 40-cell braille displays are available at the Broadview, Columbia, Southwest and University branches.

  • A braille embosser, available in the LEAP lab, allows patrons to print documents in braille.

  • CCTV Magnifiers are video magnification systems that allow patrons to magnify and enhance printed and handwritten text and images for greater accessibility. There are CCTV Magnifiers at the Central Library in the LEAP lab and in the Mixing Chamber. They are also available at the Lake City and Rainier Beach branches.

  • A video phone on Level 1 of the Central Library allows Deaf and hard of hearing patrons to make ASL-interpreted phone calls, or to converse directly with other ASL signers.

  • Two height-adjustable computer desks are in the LEAP lab. There is also one height- adjustable computer desk at the Lake City Branch.